Chapter 8

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Bella's p.o.v.

I'm scared. I have never been so scared in my life. I am tied up to a frickin chair and I can move. I had a panic attack in the car and Zayn, who I thought was dead, was helping me breath. Apparently, Zayn got a look a like and put him in his car and that is who Harry killed. I am terrified. I am in a basement and it is pitch black down hear. I told them I was hungry, then they told me that is what Niall used to say. I hate these people. They seemed nice until they told me they would stab me if u didn't listen to them. So obviously I am going to listen to them. I don't want to die young. These people are a lot smarter than I thought they were. First they brought me to North Carolina then to London, and now we are in Virginia. We are going back to New York tomorrow morning. I just hope I won't be handcuffed or tied up or worse, in a bag.

"Bella? Are you okay?" Louis asks me.

"Well, I'm tied up to a chair down here. Do you think I'm okay?" I ask.

"Smart mouth. You should be with me, not Harry. He's a jerk and a killer. You know that right?" Louis says.

"And what? You guys aren't any different. I mean you kidnapped me and brought me to three places so far and want me dead. If there is one thing you don't have in common with Harry, is that you want me dead. He doesn't." I say.

"Louis, stop bothering her and turn the light on down there for her. it's too dark. Do you want anything Bella?" Zayn asks me.

"Can I have pizza or something please?" I ask politely.

"Sure thing." Zayn says and the light turns on.

Harry's p.o.v.

I need to find Bella. Where would they have gone. I have a tracking device in Zayn but he's doesn't hurt to look anyway...i pull out my phone and see that Zayn is somewhere in Virginia. Okay, so he's not dead. So the only person dead is Niall? okay. Well at least the most important person is dead, the boss. I need the others dead though. Most importantly, I need to get to Bella. I miss her laugh, smile and the way she gets mad at me. Why can't she forgive me? Why can't we date again? Ugh. I need her now. They might go somewhere else tomorrow so I will look for her then. I just hope she isn't dead by the time I find her.

Bella's p.o.v.

I think I liked it better when the light was off. I see a body in the corner of the room. I don't know if the girl is dead or alive. "Hello?" I ask and the girl pops her head up. I know that girl. That is Gina. "Oh my god Gina! what happened?" I ask her.

"Liam brought me to a car, Louis was in the drivers seat and Zayn got out of the car and stabbed me three times. They put me in a body bag and next thing I knew I was here." She tells me.

"That's terrible." I say to her.

"Yeah, well I'm not gonna live much longer. I haven't ate since they stabbed me. I'm hungry and parched. I asked them to bring me food and water but they wouldn't. they want me dead. At least that's what they told me, but when Harry comes here they are gonna make him pick me or you to save. He can only pick one, and since I'm dating him, I am pretty sure he will pick me." She says and I regret feeling sorry for her and talking to her. He doesn't even love her. Whatever. I'm so done with people.

Is Harry even looking for me? Yes. he has to be. he wouldn't let me die. Would he?

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