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"Now Baekhyunnie," Mrs Byun cooed, "How is University going? Meet any interesting people lately? How's that friend of yours, Luhan?"

Baekhyun held back a scoff. Do you really care if I made friends or are you more interested in curving my sexuality? He thought bitterly.

Clicking his tongue, Baekhyun ignored her questions as he gazed at his menu with a blank expression. The old woman repeatedly called for his attention and eventually grew irritated. Having enough of his attitude she snapped.

"Byun Baekhyun!" she hissed, "I asked you a question!"

"Yeah, well I don't feel like answering," he sassed before throwing down his menu, "Why did you really call me here?"

She gaped, "How dare you!" Growing red in the face from his answer, she clenched her jaw and downed her glass of water before shaking a finger at her uncaring son. "You are the heir to your father's company, you need to start acting like it-!"

"It's not like I asked for it!" Baekhyun sneered. he slammed his palm on the table, causing the women to jump in her seat. With a smirk, he stood up and towered over the table with a sharp gaze as he locked eyes with her.

"As much as I would love to continue having lunch with you, I have no intention of missing class. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Get home safely, Mother" he mocked before turning on his heels and fleeing the restaurant.

He could hear her call after him, but paid no heed to her. He was tired of all the drama constantly going on in his life. All he wanted was to curl up in bed or meet up with the others.

Although, Baekhyun's fingers were numb from the frosty air, his heart warmed at the thought of his friends. Within the past week and a half, they had all patched up their friendship. However, no one decided to ask him about his family or his time without them other than his life with Luhan while in the states.

It was the only thing that bothered the boy. He knows that they have tons of questions yet no one has enough courage to ask. Not even Sehun and Jongin.

When Baekhyun is not in class, he spends most of his time with Chanyeol. Since the shorter had started University two months into the semester, Luhan and himself had been struggling to keep up with the curriculum.

Sehun had taken it upon himself to tutor Luhan since they're roommates. Where Baekhyun just couldn't find it in himself to reject Chanyeol's offer. Well... he did. But after seeing the puppy-like expression on the taller's face, he immediantly took back his words.

After leaving his mother behind, he couldn't stop the tiny amount of guilt that pooled in his stomach. He understand that she was his mother and only wanted the best for her only son, but Baekhyun was unwilling to give up his happiness for the women. Not again.

He was the happiest he's been in years.

Upon realizing he would be late for his Music Comprehension class with Chanyeol, he made a mad dash through the campus with his backpack slamming against his back.

The taller had informed him that morning, that there would be a project assigned today and Baekhyun had no intention of partnering with someone else.

He shoved aside students and burst through the lecture room's door, out of breath. Baekhyun groaned as he made his way to the back of the classroom to his seat next to Chanyeol. The younger boy had no knowledge of the meeting with his mother and turned to Baekhyun with a blinding smile.

"How was lunch?" he paused with wide eyes when he saw Baekhyun wheezing, "Oh my god! Are you okay!?"

Baekhyun could only cough and nod as he tried to catch his breath. Man was he out of shape. When he was finally able to pull himself together, Baekhyun sat up straight and shucked off his jacket. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just- I realized I was late so I ran."

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