But as quick as the thought came he dismissed it. It's Impossible. Although Baekhyun wasn't sure whether he was trying to convince himself that.

"I'm not sure why your... friend called me over," Chanyeol hesitated. "I mean, are you okay, Baekhyun? You two ran out after... yeah."

Baekhyun knew Chanyeol was still uncomforable with the news after a month of acting like a jerk. With a clear of his throat and with red ears, he plucked up his courage and nodded, "I'm fine. Th-thank you, Chanyeol" he whispered the younger's name.

Despite looking so put together, Chanyeol was internally melting. It felt great to have Baekhyun not push him away for once. However, he also knew that if he wanted to make Baekhyun his again, he would have to take baby steps. No matter what he'd protect his beloved.

"I'm glad. Did everything go okay?" Chanyeol wondered, looking down at his coffee container, "I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?"

He looked like he was about to leave, when Baekhyun was quick to respond, waving his hands in front of him.

"No! No! It's fine. I'm- No, we're okay. I'm just... still surprised it's you..." he blushed, "I waited quite some time to see you again. I'm also sorry for everything I said and did these past few weeks. I'm really sorry-"

"Baekhyun" Chanyeol cut in, "You never have to apologize, if I was in your place and wanted to protect you, I'd have done to the same," he ended with a small smile lighting up his features, "I also missed you as well."

With that, Baekhyun became silent as his blush spread to his ears. Words running away from him, he opted to sip from his hot chocolate to cover the silence. He watched Chanyeol as the taller nibbled on his bottom lip.

Without thinking, Baekhyun leaned across the table and tapped his nose, "Chanyeol, stop biting your lips."

Chanyeol's eyes widened and he turned red, Baekhyun mirroring him as he just realized what just happened.

"Old habits die hard"

That they do, Baekhyun thought.

"Should we go? It's getting late, maybe we can walk back together and I can answer some of your questions?" Baekhyun offered.

He could see the hesitation in Chanyeol's eyes. He couldn't blame the boy, after all it was just three hours ago where he confessed his reasoning for acting the way he did recently.

"If you want to" he quickly added. To his surprise, the red head actually nodded before sliding out the booth, waiting for the older to follow. With their cups of coffee in hand, they fled the shop as the chilly air of November welcomed them.

As the breeze nipped at their skin, Baekhyun's cheeks turned into a rosy color. Noticing, Chanyeol took it upon himself to unwind his scarf from around his neck and gently shove it into the older's hand. With wide eyes, Baekhyun refused, mumbling that he was fine.

Chanyeol raised a brow and stopped walking completely, "Listen I know everything is a bit hectic between our group of friends. Between us," he began, "But it's chilly. You're shivering and you're not even wearing a jacket."

Baekhyun glanced at Chanyeol's face and sighed at the pointed look. Unable to come up with an excuse, Baekhyun wrapped the thick wool around his neck with a shy thank you.

The two walked towards their dorm building with an uncomfortable silence enveloping them. The leaves under their feet were the only form of noise as Chanyeol kept glancing at the shorter.

It was surprising to say, at least to Chanyeol. The boy beside him practically crushed his heart a few years ago but despite all that, his heart still longs to be with Baekhyun. He was completely understanding of Baekhyun's situation and why he did what he did, but that didn't mean Chanyeol didn't suffer.

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