Henry Sneak Out

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(A/N: It's been a while guys. This isn't going to be long buts it's a thought that came to me.)

It's been a day since learning about Regina's condition. However, it was a lifetime for Emma and Henry.

As midnight was approaching, Emma had just finished crying herself to sleep.

She was wearing one of Regina's shirts she borrowed and never returned.

While her face was red and blotchy especially around the eyes, from the never-ending crying, stained with dried up tears.

Her blonde hair tangled and unkempt.

Henry on the other hand had just slipped out the front door with a backpack on his back.

He began to run down the stairs and sprint down the street.

After running for five minutes, he stopped in front of a medium sized building illuminated by the lights still on at 12:05 am.

He entered pushing away the busy bodies as he ran looking into rooms for one person he cared to see in that moment.

He found said person.

Their dark hair messy probably worse than his blonde mother's.

Their closed eyes coated with black and blue.

Their lips stained with red but not in the way it was intended to, chosen to, instead forced to.

Their body covered by this unflattering white gown placed onto them by people who don't care who never and will never care. These indifferent beings seen this person weak.

Those thoughts brought tears to Henry's eyes.

He walked up to the bed and sat on it trying not to disturb the sleeping body.

The rhythmic beeping of the machine was all that was heard.

Henry looked at his mother picked up her hand and sang, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...."

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