Chapter 10

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Cupcake's P.O.V.

It was around 1 PM, which was usually time I'd go and get some food, but I don't feel really hungry, nor I have enough energy to eat something.

I already visited almost all the places, where I was trying to get job at, but none of them really seemed to consider me.

Yea, they all said "We will call you, if we choose to employ you.", but I didn't really trust any of them a bit.

The fact that I'll have to look for more places made me really frustrated.

Nonetheless, there was still one last place to go.

It was fast-food, just few blocks away from our house.

They wouldn't pay that much, but it would be enough for bills and food.

I made my way towards it as soon as I spotted it across the street.

It was kinda small, but I didn't really mind.

I opened the door quietly and made my way to the cash register, waiting for some staff to come here, so I could ask to speak with their boss.

I waited for a short while, before I heard familiar sounding "I'll be right there!" from backdoor of the store, probably room for staff.

Jeez, people here don't have much of morals.

Doors opened and I was found in front of unpleasing someone.


He haven't seen me yet, saying casual "What can I do for you?", which was filled with seemingly fake cheerfulness.

"I would like to speak with chief of this place..."

I said and Rurik opened his cheerfully-closed eyes in disbelief, before changing his expression into smirk.

"That might be me~"

At that point I knew I should have left.

But being stupid idiot I am, I didn't.

"Um, okay... I wanted to apply for a job here, but I don't think it's a good idea anymore, so-"

"Aww, of course it is a great idea, let's make a short interview and then you are in!"

Something was weird about his niceness, but well, maybe they need staffs.

He wasn't alone here, because some people were talking behind a doors he came from.

I also kinda doubt he owns the place due to him needing a roommate.

But well, none of this does really matter, I need the job.

"Okay...I guess that's fair."

I said, regretting before I was even asked something.

"So, why do you want this place, Goth?"

"I really like this place and-"

"C'mon, you are getting it anyways. Why not be honest with me?"

"Okay. I need job, because I need money. That's kinda logical tho."

"Well then. How about your past jobs?"

He asked me few more questions of this kind, which made me relax and actually made whole thing feel like common conversation.

"What about your orientation~?"

He asked suddenly, making me blush and stare in disbelief.

"Why is that important to apply for the job?"

"It's not important for the job, but for me~ Even when it doesn't really matter in the end."

That sentence right there made me wonder what did he mean, before I decided, that I didn't want to know.

"It's none of your BOSS-iness, Rurik."

I said, getting a chuckle for it, before Rurik moved forward to other questions, some of them normal, some just being really uncomfortable.

Nonetheless it ended soon enough.

"Okay, you are in, Goth. You can start tomorrow~"

Rurik said and I just nodded, before saying quiet "Goodbye." and leaving the fast-food behind.

I was really glad I got some job, but wasn't really happy I had to work with Rurik, even more, under Rurik's charge.

But who knows, maybe I am just overreacting.

-The end of chapter-

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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