"I'm getting excited. What about you people?" Henley asked the audience spurring on their cheers and applause.

"One, Two, Three" Jack and Merritt said in unison before running towards one another, jumping and high-fiving causing Natalia and Henley to chuckle at them and their idiocy.

"That was just cringy" Natalia observed causing the crowd to chuckle as the two male magicians playfully glared at the girl "What. I'm being honest" Natalia added causing Jack to throw a card towards the girl. She chuckled as she playfully batted it away before turning her attention back to Danny and the crowd.

"Okay, Okay. Now, please, please, settle down" Danny chuckled, settling down the audience ever so slightly.

"Now who here has a bank they would like us to rob?" Natalia asked with an award-winning smile on her face. At her question nearly, the entire audience threw their hands into their air causing Horsemen to smirk slightly; Jack quickly catching eyes with Natalia before looking back to the crowd.

"That's a lot of people with a vendetta" Danny chuckled as both he and Natalia sent each other a look; as they walked around the smaller circular platform they were on. "So, we'll choose one at random then" he added as Jack, Merritt and Henley grabbing hold of a glass container filled with ping pong balls, all with different numbers and letters. "My associates will make sure its random, right?"

"Elvis, help me out, bud" Jack said to one of the audience dressed in what could be interpreted as a Elvis inspired outfit. He held out the bowl towards him allowing him to pick a ping pong ball from the selection.

"In Jack's bowl are ping pong balls with a section number" Natalia told the crowd "Jack could you hand me a section number?" She asked causing him to smirk up at her

"Sure thing, darling" He replied with a wink as he threw the ball towards her, she allowed it bounce once before catching it in her hand and handing it to Danny.

"Thank you. We are looking at Section B. Where is Section B?" Danny asked as he and Natalia looked out to the crowd; their eyes quickly locking onto a section of the crowd who erupted in loud cheers.

"There they are. Okay it's going to be one of you guys so get ready" Natalia told the section in a sweet voice as Merritt held out his bowl towards someone in the crowd.

"I don't know why everybody's happy. Its only them" Danny joked to pass the time as Merritt chose someone to pick a ping pong ball.

"Merritt can we get a row please?" Natalia asked as Merritt held the 'chosen' ping pong ball.

"Of course, Pumpkin" Merritt stated as he threw the small ball towards her, she once again allowed it to bounce before handing it Danny.

"Thank you Merritt" Natalia said while Danny looked down at the ping pong ball number.

"Thank you, Natalia. we are looking at row number five. Where is that?" Danny asked as the row started to cheer causing Natalia to smile at them while Henley chose the seat number.

"And finally, Henley could we get a random seat number?" Natalia asked to which Henley nodded as she took the ball from the audience number and made a face as she throw it to Natalia who caught it in the air. Natalia chuckled at the red head as she lightly threw the ball to Danny who smiled at her before looking at the number on it.

"Oh. Lucky number 13. B-5-13. Where are you?" Danny asked as he pointed towards the row as a spotlight hit a man wearing a white suit. "Sir, please, stand up. There you are. Hi" Danny said as the man stood up from his seat and took the microphone that was handed to him. "Could you just confirm for me that this is, in fact, your seat? B-5-13." Danny added holding up the ping pong balls in a row in is hand.

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