Chapter 2

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I watched my sister walked down the hallway until she fell. I chuckled. I walked pass a group of girls smiling and laughing as I walked

"Damn he's cute." a girl said.

I continued down the hallway. I haven't even brother to take a look at my schedule. I started to look for room 201. Shit I gotta piss.I walked in the bathroom and I automatically was hit with the smell of weed. I hurried up and pissed before I could get high. Boys was just standing around which I thought was extremely gay.

Only girls do that shit.

I walked out and continued to walk down the hallway. I stopped at the door that said 201 Mr.Hollands AP Calculus II. I inhale and then exhale. I open the door and everybody's eyes were on me. I noticed they were taking a test. I gave the nerd looking teacher my schedule. "Class we have a new student", He looked at the paper. "named Lamar Graham. Pick a seat" he said turning looking at me. I sat beside the girl I saw in the hallway earlier. She blushed. Damn I aint even say anything to her...yet.

Lunch came around. I never ate school lunch (not that I'm above it or anything). I got a Sprite and a Big Texas. I sat at a table in the back popped in my head phones and chilled. I felt someone tapped me on my shoulder and saw the girl form earlier. I took my head-phones out. "Hi" she said and a soft whisper. I could barley hear her since the was so much noise I nodded. There was awkward silence for a second. Until she spoke up.

"So are you from here?"

"Naw, I'm from Long Beach"

"Oh so you're a Cali boy?" She said smiling

I smiled back "Yeah"

"How is it-"

We were then cut of by a loud mouthed girl. "Oh mutha-fucking God, did you hear Tasha got punched by some 10th grade bitch" She screamed

"Damn hoe why you gotta sceram?"

"My bad I just thought you should know that our best friend got punched!" Loud mouth said

"Oh my bad who is this" She said looking pass the girl and at me. "This is...."

"Lamar" I said finishing her sentence. Flashing the both a set of my pearly whites. They melted their seats.

"I'm Monae"

"Nae-Nae" you mean.

She rolled her eyes. She looked at me "But you can call me what ever you please."

I nodded.

The bell rang dismissing lunch.

"Well I guess I'll see you around"

She walked away. My eyes on her ass the whole time. It's like it hand a natural bounce to it. I smiled got up, out my Big Texas wrapper in the trash. And walked out.

3:30 came and I has happier than a mutha fucka. I spotted Monae. I jogged up to her. I put my arm around. She looked up and smiled. "Wassup" She said.


"So can I get your number?"

"Straight to point, huh?"

I didn't respond just smiled.

"Alright" she said taking out her phone.

As we got to the car we had already exchange numbers.

We started to make small talk. Lael walked up behind her. "Look ima call you"

"OK" she said turning around "Move" She told Lael.

"Bitch you can go around "

"Who you calling a bitch?" I saw Monae stepping closer.

"Obviously you!" Lael came back with


I quickly stepped between them. "Woah. Lael, go to get in the car"

"Nigga you got a girlfriend?"

"No she's my sister" She had a look on her face.

"No my blood sister"

"Don't you feel dumb" Lael said with bitterness dripping for her voice

"Lael, didn't I tell you to go sit in the car?"

I turned back to Monae

"Look I'll text or call you tonight"

"You betta" She said biting her bottom lip. I stood there for a second second as she walked away. Admiring her ass. Daydreaming about hitting it from the back. I snapped back into reality and walked to the car. When I got in I could fell the tension in the air. We rode for a few minutes in silence. "You wanna go to McDonald" I said breaking the ice.

"No" Lael said

"Come on I was just saving her from getting her ass whopped.

She chuckled "Yeah. Whatever"

"So McDonalds?"

"I guess"

We both knew we would all always have each other's back.

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