Chapter 4. Run

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My mind tries to process what Lacey had just said to us moments ago. Lacey, our friend who we trusted...just called the cops on Margo and I? So we can be arrested and spend the rest of our lives in jail?

Margo doesn't look too surprised. At least, not as surprised as she should be. I wonder if Margo will hate me now, loathe me even. After all, I am the one who suggested telling Lacey our secret. And Lacey just signed away our lives by telling the police where Margo is.

As I try to comprehend what just happened, Lacey begins to sob on the other end of the phone. "I'm...I'm so sorry..." she sniffles. "B-but I had to tell the police... I know you must be pretty mad at me right now, but I had to. If I had kept your guys' secret from the police, then I would have become a criminal, too. I couldn't have lived with myself-"

"Shut up, Lacey," Margo says plainly into the phone.

I can't help but put myself in Lacey's shoes. Would I have done what she did if I were in her position?

No, I decide. I wouldn't betray my friends like that. Even if it meant becoming a criminal.

"Margo, please forgive me, please..." Lacey begs. "I totally understand that you killed your boyfriend in self defense, I get that. Maybe if you explain your side of the story to the police, it'll clean this whole mess up, I know it will-"

"No Lacey, you don't understand. The cops don't have any proof that Margo killed him in self defense," I try to explain to her in my calmest voice. "Now if you'll excuse us, Margo and I have to run from the police right about now."

"Q, I'm trying to-"

I cut Lacey off in mid-sentence, hanging up the phone. I glance at the clock hanging up in my dorm room and, calculating the time, would say that it's been four minutes since Lacey called the cops. The police will be here in six.

"Pack your things. We're leaving." I toss a duffel bag to Margo, but she doesn't have much to pack. Her toothbrush, a change in clothes, and her ninja suit were the only things that she brought when she came knocking on my door last night. I empty my backpack onto the floor and pack only my necessities in it.

I glance up at my clock again, and sadly, it's still ticking. Four minutes until the police show up.

"Crap," I curse under my breath. "Crap crap crap crap crap..."

Just as my hand reaches for the door knob to leave this dorm forever, Margo and I share a small nod with each other, as if making a silent pact that says "We're going to get through this." At least, that's what I think it was saying. It could've been a nod that said "When we get caught, I'll see you in court."

I turn the door knob, and Margo and I bolt out of the dorm room, through the hallway, down the stairs, all the way till we're outside. We race across the college campus, and pass a few students that stop and point as us.

"Q-I-can't...go on," Margo pants, flopping down onto a bench.

I breathe heavily, my lungs burning from the running. I look up at the almost-night sky. A thin layer of orange light still shines through the darkness.

"We can't, Margo," I say firmly. Is it just me, or do I hear the faint sound of police sirens in the distance? "We can't stop running."

"Where...are we even running to?"

I sigh. "To the parking lot. My mini-van is there. If we're running from the cops, then we've gotta make a quick get-away."

"Will the police recognize your car?"

"I don't know. Probably. Now come on, we have to go."

I offer her my hand and she sighs, not taking it. Margo stands up from the bench, saying, "I hate my life. Like, a lot."

A few seconds later, she adds, "Really."


When we reach the parking lot, I see a few police cars pulling into it's entrance. Margo and I duck behind a car, blocking their view of us.

"There," I say, pointing to my mini-van that's only ten cars to the right of us. "Now if we can get into that car and drive out of the parking lot without any cops seeing us, we're home free."

Just as I'm about to break out into a run for the get-away cart, Margo grabs my wrist. She opens her mouth to speak, but I cut her off.

"I know what you're gonna say, Margo. You're going to say your goodbyes, in case we get caught by the police."

"Q, I-"

I shake my head. "Nope. I don't wanna hear it. You know why? Because goodbyes are unnecessary. We're not gonna get caught. At least, not today."

"Q, shut up and let me speak. Jesus," Margo says, rolling her eyes. "I just wanted to say thanks. Y'know, for being a friend to me in my time of need and all. I guess I didn't emphasize the 'thanks' a lot when I was staying at your dorm. So. Thanks. Like, a ton." She pauses, but she is not done. "Also, I'm kinda pissed off at you, Q. For telling Lacey our secret. When she told the police, it ruined my life, if you can't already tell." Margo Roth Spiegelman shakes her head. "No, let me take back that last sentence, because it's not necessarily true. I ruined my own life by murdering that boy. I've gotta stop blaming other people for my mistakes."

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. "Margo, he was hurting you. You had to defend yourself."

Before she has a chance to object, I say, "Come on. We're wasting time."

So we run to my mini-van, our special moment gone. Margo calls shot-gun and I start the engine. It's a miracle that we drive out of that parking lot without anyone noticing that Margo Roth Spiegelman and Quentin Jacobsen are going on a road trip together.


author's note: hey there, gentle readers! how do you feel about Lacey's decision to tell the police on them? do you think she made the right decision? or do you think she betrayed Margo and Q? also, I truly hope that you're enjoying my story so far! if you are, then consider clicking that little vote button up in the right-hand corner :)


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