Jesus. Help me. I'm falling. Fast. 

"You look very tast-handsome," she said biting her lip. I smiled at her slip up, "Ready to go?"

She nodded as I placed my hand on the small of her back, making her shiver under my touch.

"Where are we going?" She asked as I opened the car door for her. "On our date," I smirked as she sat inside frowning.

I closed the door and walked to the other side.

I quickly said inside and started the car. She looked at me smiling, I wiggled my eyebrows and reached into the glove compartment, pulling out a black satin blindfold. 

"We're gonna have to put this on you," I winked and placed it on her eyes, tying it in the back. 

I looked at her, smiling like an idiot. Her. She's so perfect. I saw the ghost of a scar on her cheekbone. I frowned, tracing the scar. How did I not notice it before? She leaned into my touch, sighing. 

"Are we there yet?" She smiled making me laugh. "We haven't even left your driveway yet." 

I pulled out of the driveway and started driving towards the highway.

"I have a couple questions for you," she sang. "Ask away," I chuckled, still looking at the road. 

"Weren't you dating Chloe?" She asked bluntly almost making me choke.

"Chloe? No, never. We just f--

"Fucked?" I looked over at her smirking. 

Strangely, I loved the way she said it. 

"I figured. I was a little confused when she called you her 'boyfriend' ," she said putting air quotations on boyfriend. 

I chuckled, "next question."

"Do you dance?" She asked smiling, her dimples showing.

"Depends. Why?" I questioned, focusing on the dark road. 

She sighed. "Well, my parents are planning to do a pretty big charity event and I kinda need a date sooo..."

I gasped. "Is Angel Lilith Kingsley asking me me to be her one and only date to a charity ball?"

She chuckled ad nodded. "Will you do me the honor?"

"Yes I do!" I squealed, fake-sniffing. 

"He said yes!" She yelled, fist bumping the air. I laughed and placed my hand on her thigh. 

"Wait. How do you know my full name Jax Damon Wilder?" She asked.

"Well. I had Parker do a background search on you after we first met you at Heaven's." I said awkwardly, cringing at how creepy it sounded. She laughed and shook her head. 

"You are so weird."

"Am not." I retorted. 

"Hold on! How do you know my full name?" I asked her. 

"I listen to the attendance at school like a normal person!" She chuckled.

I shook my head even though she couldn't see me. "You are anything but normal."

She laughed and shrugged.

"You know you're a pretty cool person when you're not getting shot at," I said pulling into the parking lot.

"Same to you Wilder," she giggled, " are we here?"

I quickly got out of the driver's seat and opened her side. "Yes," I whispered in her ear making her jump.

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