"Tyler!" I heard as I ducked under a swing from a dracaenae and decimated a group of rogue Cyclopes. My sixth sense that Percy unlocked three years ago started to buzz like crazy. I spun around and swung my sword, thinking it was a enemy and nearly ended up beheading Jennifer. "I'm not your enemy," she said glaring at me.

"Sorry," I said finally noticing the golden dust that stopped at my ankles. "Yeah, we made sure to make way for you. You carved a path though," she said while I looked back and saw she was right. "I got carried away," I said watching as the monsters started to retreat while everyone cheered.

That was when Kronos revealed his surprise that he mentioned from my dream.

REEEEET!" The squeal echoed through upper Manhattan. Demigods and monsters alike froze in terror. "What was that?" Jennifer said in shock while Grover shot me a panicked look. "Why does that sound like...It can't be!" I knew what he was thinking. Two years ago we'd gotten a "gift" from Pan-a huge boar that carried us across the Southwest (after it tried to kill us). The boar had a similar squeal, but what we were hearing now seemed higher pitched, shriller, almost like...like the boar had a angry girlfriend.

"REEEEET!" A huge pink creature soared over the reservoir-a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade nightmare blimp with wings. "Sow!" Annabeth cried. "Take cover!" Demigods and Hunters alike scattered as the winged lady pig swooped down. Her wings were pink like a flamingo's, which matched her skin beautifully, but it was hard to think of her as cute when she about stomped Serenity to death, luckily Kyle tackled her out of the way.

The pig stomped around and tore down half an arc of trees, belching a cloud of noxious gas. "Don't tell me that thing is from Greek mythology," I complained. "Afraid so," Annabeth said. "The Clazmonian Sow. It terrorized Greek towns back in the day." "Let me guess," I said. "Hercules beat it." "Nope," she said surprising me."As far as I know, no hero has beaten it." "Perfect," I muttered.

The Titan army roared and attacked us with renewed vigor, forcing us a block back. They must've realized the the pig wasn't attacking them.

"That pig has to go." I said picking up a grappling hook. "I'll take care of it. You guys hold the rest of the enemy. Push them back!" "Tyler, we're running on fumes here," Kyle said, the dark blue aura surrounding him slowly dying out as was Alexander's and the others. I didn't want to leave my friends. Especially when their in such a bad shape, but that pig was the biggest threat to us right now and if it wasn't stopped, it would destroy everything.

"Retreat if you have to," I said. "Just slow them down, I'll be back as soon as possible." Before I could change my mind, I swung the grappling hook like a lasso. When the sow came down for its next pass, I threw with all my strength. The hook wrapped around the base of the pig's wing. I grinned victoriously but it quickly vanished when the pig squealed in rage and veered off, yanking the rope into the sky and me along with it.

Percy POV

I was jolted awake by the sound of explosions.

I bolted upright, looking around wildly to see I was in a hotel. "What happened?" I muttered, the events from the last few days still fuzzy. "Once I get my hands on Kronos, I'm going to make him fade." I said swinging my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, only for my legs to give out on me.

I tried to stand on my own will but failed till the shadows slowly wrapped around me and pulled me back onto the bed. I felt so drained, like I could go back to sleep and not wake up for a eternity. I stood up again, more slowly and using the wall to help me stand and headed to the balcony.

When I got there, everywhere I looked, war and death was at every corner. Kronos's forces were slowly pushing everyone back. I was still tired, but not tired to the point I can't fight, just can't use my abilities till I have more energy. If we don't get help soon, we'll be pushed back. I thought looking around to see ambrosia and nectar sitting on a table, plus a what looks like a small breakfast.

Percy Jackson Champion of the PrimordialsWhere stories live. Discover now