Chapter 1

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I have been so long time away from England.Away from London and those memories.It has been 2 years and i have to go back there just because i got job there.After that what happend with Jacob   ,after we broke up i just couldn’t handle it and came back to  Estonia.I forgott all about London and that what we had with jackob.I hope he’s not in London i don’t wanna see him anymore.The only one with who i kept talking from London was Liam.He knew what i felt and he knew what kind of man was jackob. He just understands me and gives the best advice.Sometimes we talked for  hours and i felt better  it .He helped to forgett Jackob.To be honest then i gonna stay to Liam's place until i can earn enough money to buy my own apartment. When i was in london i used to work for him and he’s four other friends.They we’re really cool guys.That blonde guy Niall used to had feeling for me but Jackob was too jealous, he barely let me to talk with Liam and i worked hard to hold him back when he saw Niall talking to me .

Signal that we’re starting to lend brought me back from thinking.Liam promised to pick me up from  airport  so i walked outside.There was lot of people and i can’t see him anywhere. I was just about to call him when suddenly someone came and hugged me .I turned around and there he was.

„Hey beautiful! How was your flight ?“ He asks.

„It was good and tiring“

He smiles to me and takes my bag.

„So let’s go ?“ he ask and starts walking.

„Yeah i’d like to get away from this crowd.

We sit in the car and start driving.I’m looking out of the window and without realising i’m again thinking about Jakob and memories .I’m just little bit scared to meet him that he’ll kick me again when he sees me talking to some other guys.I’m glad that Liam left he’s keys that day to my place and came and saved me .Otherwise i would have been death.


„Kaira?Are you here?“ I hear Liam asking.

„yes , sorry i was thinking“ i smile weakly.

„Oh,about Jackob? We have been arrived and let’s go now upstairs and  i gonna make your favourite tea and you gonna tell me about what are you thinking.“ He says and steps out of the car.

How he alyas knows about what i think and what i feel ?

I step out of the car to and take my handbag he dosen't let me to carry my bag.He's apartment in Six floor so we take  lift.

We step out of lift and he opens the door. Oh it’s still so beautifu and wide apartment.I had forgotten all those colors .

I walk behind him and he stops.

„This is your room , hope u like it „ He smiles and opens it.

Its very wide and has balcony.He still knows that i like to sit in balcony sometimes and think.Near to window is bed it’s kind of big and looks so comfortable.walls have very beautiful  wallpaper it’s light blue and has red and black flowers.He shows me around.Seems like i even have my own bathroom andlarge wardrobe. And that  cupboard near to bed is so cute.

„I leave ypu here so ypu can unpack your thinks.But when you’re done come to kitchen and lets talk„ he says calmly.

„Mhm“ i answer and he closes the door.

I jump into to bed it’s so comfortable and good .I lay there some minutes and then come up and put my things away to closet.I take a quik shower and change my cloths to not to feel so tired.I take my phone and send my uncle to message to let him to know that everything is allright. I put my phone to cupboard and go to kichen.I found it quckly beacause the smell of food.When i open the door Liam is cooking , oh he’s so good at cooking.He even teached me some his tips.

He smiles to me softly and i sit behind the table.

„So where is Danielle?“ i smirk.

„Well i was going to purpose her but before it  i catched her cheathing on me and u know i don’t forgett this kind of things.So i left her .“

He's looking down.

Wow i was shocked i never thought that Danielle would turn up to be this kind of girl and why he didn’t tell it to me ?

„I’m sorry that i didn’t say it before , but  i just didn’t want you to worry“He adds

„Liam, you know you can talk to me about everything, but okay let’s then change the topic?“

„So why were you thinking about Jackob again?“He asks and i feel like my heart skipped a beat.

„I don’t know.I guess i still have some feeling for him and i’m scared to meet him .“ I look out of the window and hold my tears back.

„Don’t worry you  won’t meet him and he can’t do anything to you.I won’t let „ He says while whipping with spoon.

I start laughing.What would i do without him ?

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