Chapter 7 "Will I see you again?"

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Okay, So this chapter has a lot of dialogue but this is kind of an emotional chapter. And I know my writing is not that good, but just deal with it. 
Also, I had to change the genre because of this chapter so if you don't know what it was before, then ignore this second note.


Aroura's P.O.V.

"I can't believe he told me the truth, with real words and full sentences. Not just riddles and breadcrumbs for me to follow and try to answer a simple question. I finally have him back," I thought as I hugged him tighter. 

"I forgive you," I whisper to him. He tensed up as first in surprise but then relaxed hugging me tighter. "I just have one question for you," I said.


"How? How are you not under HIS spell? I saw him put a spell on you the moment I said "no" to kill you," I asked as I pulled away from the hug and looked him in his eyes. I had to know how he did it, and that this isn't all a trick.

"I uh... sort of stole one of his spell books and used a "Closure Spell" to break the controlling connection between me and him," he said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck. 

I laughed at that, "Well, at least your not trying to kill me," I joked.

He chuckled in return, "yeah I guess so. Well it's getting late, I think I better go"

"When Can I see you again, well the real you not the "Trying to kill me" you?" I said, with a silly smile still on my face.

"I don't know. I honestly just wanna spend some time away from the world," He said, "But I think we will meet again sooner rather than later. That is if I can replicate the spell again without getting caught."

I sighed, "Okay. Please be careful. Don't want to lose my best friend now do I. I mean, I still have to tell you my side of the story."

"Well, I guess you can tell me that now before I go," He said.thougjy

"Is he trying to stall for time or something. Nah!  His just being plain old Nico, Always changing his mind." I thought 

"Are you sure?" She smirked. "It's quite a long story."  

"Well, I've got a lot of time." He smirked back

"I thought you said you had to go?" I said raising an eyebrow.

He rubs the back of his neck, "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't go later." "Are you trying to chase me away, Kitten?" He smirks again. 

Whenever he calls me that I get butterflies in my stomach. "Cheeky, your such a flirt," I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Doesn't mean it's not true. Come on, you can't deny it, you love it when I call you that."

"No, I don't," I say rather quickly.

"Then why do I hear purring, Kitten

"Guh, that smirk," "Okay you got me," I confess sitting back now against the fountain.

He walks towards me and sits to my left, "Alright, now tell me your side. I'm all ears."  

"fine. When you left, I thought you died. Then I saw that letter you got. I didn't think you would actually believe it but I guess I was wrong. After my brother died, I went into hiding. I didn't know what to do. One day, the Sorcerer found me on one of my supply runs. He said he'd help me, but it turns out he used me... to get to you," I paused to look at Nico then looked back down and continued, "I only found this out when you first tried to kill me. That's why I was so afraid the second time you tried," I continued to look at the dirt ground, loose tears ran down her face. I quickly wiped them away. "When I was finally out of his control, he must have put you on a controlling spell to control every action you did that night and made it seem that you were just blinded by rage. I tried to break it but I couldn't," I started crying. "I didn't know what else to do."

Nico wrapped his arms around me, petting my head. "Hey, it's okay. It's alright. It's not like you ended up killing me or anything like that. I'm right here." He chuckled lightly.

"STILL ALIVE!" He screamed. 

I started laughing in his hold, "There's that smile I missed seeing." he smiled down at me. "You're such a crack up," I said back.

"Are you okay now?"

After I calmed down, I nodded my head "Yeah" 

"Alright, See ya later, Kitten," He winked as he stood up.

When I saw he was gonna leave I grabbed his left wrist. "Wait!" 


"I can't believe what I'm gonna do." I thought. I took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing"

I came closer and kissed him.

Nico's P.O.V.

"Wait!" Aroura grabbed my wrist before I could leave.


She seemed nervous. Then she did what I thought would never happen, She kissed me. I always thought she liked me as a friend, a brother even, but never this. I was surprised at the sudden kiss but I kissed her back nonetheless. 

"I love you," I thought "But I don't have the courage to say it out loud

We pulled away. "Just I little encouragement that we'll see each other again," She winked at me. I just smirked back.

"See ya later, Shadow King," She said using the nickname she gave me years ago, smiling before she disappeared into Red dust and wind. 

"Later, Kitten, "I said as I watched her leave before shadow traveling away. 

Okay so some parts were not my idea of how I wanted the story to go, but I'll just leave it as is. All part of working as a team I guess. XD Hope you liked it. I will try to update the other stories as well. LATER! <3

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