Chapter 6 "Believe me, it's true"

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~6 days later~

~Nico's P.O.V.~

I shadow traveled to every place Aroura and I used to go to together, trying to find her, But there is not a single trace that she even existed for 10 years. She could be anywhere. I shadow traveled back to the secret cave and sat on the rim of the fountain. The sound of the water flowing in the fountain helped calm my nerves down. I wore the same clothes as that day I chased her out of this place. The fear that I saw in her eyes still haunts me in my dreams. 

~One hour earlier~

~Aroura's P.O.V. ~

I was sitting in my room trying to figure out a way to break the spell that I knew was put on Nico. If I can do that, I can finally have my Nico back. After an hour, I entire hideout was a total wreck. I had no luck in finding what a needed. The Sorcerer must have found out about the hidden spell book and took it before I had the chance to use it. Well looks like I'm screwed. 

"If only I could find him. Maybe I can talk some sense into him. Or end up killing myself," I chuckled lightly at that last thought. 

I sighed, "Maybe I should clear my head a little before going after him. Yeah, that sounds more reasonable." 

I used my tornado teleportation abilities to go to the cave I found the most peace in. I sat down near the fountain facing the wall on the opposite side of the cave. The only sounds heard was the water flowing in the fountain and the faint sound of birds chirping in a distance. I wore my black and red checked shirt with my black leather jacket, black cargo pants, and my matching black leather knee-high boots. I wore my mask too, a black and red striped one that my whole face except my right eye. I dyed my hair back to its original color, blood red. 

I just sat there in complete silence, so deep in thought that I didn't hear someone else walk into the cave to the other side of the fountain. 

"I have to try and find a way to break that spell, even temporarily," I whispered to myself.

~Third P.O.V~

Nico was in deep thought when a quiet familiar voice from behind him. He turned around and saw a girl with blood red hair. His eyes widened in relief. 

He softly called out to her, "Aroura? Is that you?" 

Aroura froze for a second when she heard his voice call out to her. "Nico?" she thought in her head. She was so full of joy but at the same time fear. She swiftly ducked down from the fountain and listened carefully for any sign of movement. 

Nico looked at her realizing that she might still think I want to kill her. "Aroura, I won't hurt you. I promise. I just want to talk." He said, hoping that she'll believe him. He slowly started walking around the fountain, being careful not to startle her in any way. Aroura stayed completely still, her breath quickened in fear of what he will do. She didn't want to hurt him and to her, it seemed that he didn't want to either. She hung her head down not wanting to see the look on his face.

Nico walked around the fountain and saw her crouched down, her head hung low. He was happy to see her again but seeing her feel unsafe around him made him sad. He knelt down in front of her, but she still made no attempt to look at him. "Aroura please look at me," he pleaded. She still refused to look at him. Nico moved his hand under her chin and slowly turned her face to look at him. His face went sadder, even more, when he saw the fear in her eyes, the same fear from that day she ran out of the cave. 

Her body was slightly shaking, but she just stared at him. She saw his eyes weren't red anymore, they were a gorgeous purple, which reflected in the moonlight. I small smile formed on her face as she hugged him tightly. Nico was at first surprised by your sudden action, but quickly recovered and hugged back just as tight. "I'm so glad I found you," he whispers to her. 

Tears of joy run down Aroura's face. "Me too," she says back. 

Nico's says, "I'm so sorry for hurting you. I never meant for any of this to happen, including what happened to brother. If you let me explain, I'll tell you everything." He started crying after that statement. He buried his face in her hair, not wanting to let her go. 

"Okay, Nico. I'm listening."

~Nico's P.O.V~

"She agreed," I thought happily in my head.

"Okay. ummm. Where do I start?" I asked as we pulled away from the hug. I looked at her as she took off her mask. "Gosh, she looks so beautiful," I thought to myself. She smiled sweetly at me. 

"How about we start from the beginning. What happened?" She replied. 

I took a deep breath

 "Okay. When my parents died, I received a letter from my uncle. He told me that my parents died because they were trying to protect you and Aris from a group called the "Polemistés" which means "Warriors". After finding that out, I blamed you and Aris for my parent's death. That's the reason I felt you and Aris. I couldn't cope with the information. And I'm sorry for that." I paused to let the words sink in a little. After a few minutes, she nods her head for me to continue. 

"Five years after I left, I met a Sorceror who said he'd help me get my revenge and bring my parents back but in return, I had to be his servant and obey his every command. Since I was filled with only the thirst for revenge, I accepted. That's when I went after your brother. I am so sorry Aroura." By the time I was done explaining, she was in tears. I leaned forward and offered her a hug, which I'm surprised she accepted. 

"Please forgive me!" I pleaded 

What will happen next? Will Aroura forgive him? Will she tell Nico her reason for trying to kill him? (Okay I know it might be obvious what will happen next, but if my Co-author wants to change the direction of the story, then it might happen.) Tell us what you think and where you guys want the story to go, but I might just update it either way I guess. 


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