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I sat in the waiting room. I hope nicki didn't go into labor. I sat across from her brother. we just stared at each other. I bought her flowers and a bear and the baby stuff just incase gabbi made her was through. I saw Asia walking from the elevators. I got up. "look august she doesn't want to see you right now... gabbi is not here yet, the doctor said nicki just stress out and it's taking a toll on the baby." I nodded. "I handed the stuff over to Asia so she can give it to nicki for me. I walked out. I called lani to make sure Cali and nick was ok and told her I was on my way to come get him.

😌following 2 weeks later😯

Nicki been staying with Lani her last month of pregnancy. I don't like it but if that's what nicki want then oh well. I Still had the key to her house so I had some folks go over there and paint the nursery and had some decorative lady to add the furniture. when I saw it my mouth drop. nicki going to love it. I haven't talk to her or seen her. I bought her some red bottoms and a couple designer clothes and long letter saying how sorry I was. I gave it to lani.

Lani pov

I'm taking care of nicki cause my girl been through enough. she been crying all day to talk to august, but I wouldn't let her.she has to let him suffer.
"Nooo nicki you can't call him !" I yelled at her. "why you gotta be so mean!" she whined and rubbing her belly. "I'm helping you out.. you will thank me later!" I said and she pouted and start back whining. my phone started ringing. I look and seen it
Was Antwon. I ignored the call .. I been
Ignoring him sense that day I woke up at his house. I got on Facebook and went to Antwon page just to check some out. of coarse as always it's pictures of him smoking and pictures of kailand. I then came across this picture of this chick London and he got her. I click on her page. I went through her pictures and seen this girl she call her bestie "Tasha". I click on Tasha name and look at her pictures cause she seem familiar. my mouth droped. I saw a pic of august in her bed. It was posted a 4 month ago.

Amani pov

I walked out my apartment to take the trash out. Tyler had a "family issue" back in Jamaica so he left 3 days ago. it was dark out side. I walked and threw the trash in the dumpster. I walked back and I saw Trevor standing against my car. I tried to run back in but he caught up to me and grabbed my wrist and shoved me in the house locking the door behind me. "Trevor move!" I yelled. he hit me in my face causing me to blank out.

Rider 3 : ATLANTA (august alsina)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя