Tropical fun

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☀️that morining (pic of Asia , Amani and Malaysia )

Amani I woke this morning around 6. I walked out side and across the street to the beach just to catch the sun rise. I sat in the cold white sand and just inhale the mist of the ocean as low ride waves came crashing in. the seagulls flew around. I felt some crawl on my hand. I jumped. I looked down and seen a baby sea turtle crawling to the ocean. with all these seagulls ,little guy will never make it's so many obstickles on the way there. then it dawn on me. I'm kinda like this guy.

I'm trying to get to that big ocean or the success of my career ,but there's so much that's in the way and things that can keep me from getting there. I craved a deep pathway for the little guy. "that was sweet." I heard this thick accent. I turn and seen this fine lightskin guy, tall , buff with green eyes. "Can I join you?" he asked. I was nervous so I just nodded yes. he sat down next to me. "hey..I'm Tyler." his accent was thick and sexy. "I'm Amani." I said smiling. "mmm.. why you up so early huh?" he asked. "sun rise." I said. he smiled. "I lived on this island all my life... everytime I see it, It feels like a new time ,you know." he said. I smiled and nodded. "you American huh?' he said. "lived there yes but I'm puerto rican." I said. he smiled.

Malaysia pov

I ease out of bed and aleeyah was knocked out with her little mouth open. I smiled and kissed her small lips. I went and got on facebook. this guy message me. I didn't want to answer first. I looked at his page and oh my!!!!!

Rider 3 : ATLANTA (august alsina)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ