"She defends benders" 

"She is such a show off"

Every time someone said something I was pushed down more and more until I was crushed 

(Dream over)

I woke suddenly I could feel tears on my cheeks, I stopped noticing Korra still asleep on my chest, it's just a dream, that's all fake, but could I be true, then korra slowly wakes up and she immediately realises she on me and she gets up 

"I'm s..so s..sorry" she stutters over her words she is so cute when she does that 

"No your fine don't worry, I really don't mind" I say with a smile on face 

"Wait are you crying" she says to me 

"It was nightmare I'm ok don't worry" I tell her beckoning her to sit so she does

"Yeah I have those a lot" she says sitting down

"How do you deal with the mean comments people say to you" I ask her 

"I have my ways but I don't recommend them" she says 

"Wait do you cut yourself" I say in shock 

"I used to, but now I do other things not as bad as that, I've gotten better" korra says with a sad look on her face

"I'm glad you have stopped you know you can tell me anything" I tell her hugging her and she melts into it 

"Thank you for everything but I really need to go" she says as we release from the hug

"Ok, I will see you tomorrow" I say opening my door for her and she walks out.

I went and I turned the TV onto the new 

Hello we disturb your usual program for this quick notice from president Raiko

"Hello people of republic city, there have been spottings of the Avatar, this person is a fugitive and highly dangerous if there is anything you know about them you will be greatly rewarded, that's all thank you

After that I turned it off, wow she didn't seem dangerous, then I hear I knock on my window, perfect timing, I went over and opened it for the avatar

"You're in trouble" I say closing the window 

"Do you think I'm trouble" she says to me 

"No I would never think that about you" I say sitting down and she sits beside me 

"Um do you mind me asking, well I have liked boys and I have never really considered liking girls and I'm really confused, I just broke up with mako and now I'm torn between two girls" I tell her setting my head on her shoulders

"I used to like boys but now I like girls as well, May I ask who you like" she asks 

"Well there is a new girl at my school, she is quite shy, but she is really cute, she stutters over her words and I find that adorable but she gets bullied pretty bad, I had to take home she was stabbed and she had bruises all over, I tried to text you but you were busy, so I had to deal with it myself, her name is Korra" I say and I swear avatar was crying 

"Wait are you crying" 

"No sorry my eyes are watering" 

"Yeah right" 

"Yeah it's so hot in here"

"Sorry I'll move away"

"You little" avatar says pushing me 

"Sorry I had to" I tell her then I hear her stomach growling 

"Sorry I'm just a little hungry" 

"What you must be starving,I will get some food one sec" I say getting up and I got some Frosties and I took some milk out and then got too bowls 

"Do you want so help" avatar says 

"Nah I'm good" I say sitting down 

"You never told who the other lucky one is" 

"I can't tell you, you want this dry or with milk" 

"Dry thanks, come on please" she begs as I hand her the box 

"No way that has to stay a secret" I say pouring my milk into the bowl full of cereal

"Fine, anyway sorry to hear about mako" she says lying on my lap

"I'm fine about it he deserved what was coming to him, but I'm a little scared, tomorrow is there any chance you could maybe help if maybe some one takes this out on me" I beg her 

"I will do my but no promises" she says 

"By the way how is your wound" I ask her 

"Not really, it re-opened but I dealt with it" 

"Sorry about that, you want a pain killer"

"Nah I'm good thanks, being the avatar helps me heal faster"

"Sweet,I can't believe I'm eating with a fugitive who even the president doesn't like" 

"There scared"

"What is it like to bend" 

"It's cool you want to know what it's like" 

"Yeah that would awesome" 

"Ok I'm going to water Bend and then you tell me what you want me to do and I will do it" she say taking water from a nearby glass, it floated infront of my face I put my hand up and then it floated in my hand 

"Wow, ok go right" it went right "left" it went left "back into the glass" it went to the way it was 

"You like" avatar says 

"That was amazing, I wish I could bend" I pout 

"You don't, I didn't get a choice when I was born, I was forced to hide away, my parents were scared, but when I turned 12 there was a fight they were killed, I have been on the run ever since, mastering each element, hiding my abilities trying to fit in, but I have been different every where I have been, so I decided to embrace it and help people and I chose this great city" she explains to me

"I'm sorry about your parents, it must have taken a tool on you" 

"Yeah I used to suffer from depression, I still kinda do but not as much, no one is perfect" she says 

"I'm so sorry, you know you can talk to me about anything" 

"Yeah I know,I need to go duty calls, I will do my best to help you tomorrow" she promises kissing my head and then she leave through the window 

Hey guys I hope you have been enjoying this so far, I have really thought this one through so please enjoy and share 

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