"Because she has no idea that I'm fake blackmailing her." I say and Alexis shakes her head.


"Y/N skipped practice, Alex, what's plan B?" Alexis asks and I glare at her.

"Bring the fake secret to her." I say before getting dressed and leaving.


"Hey, Y/N, we missed you at practice yesterday." I say, walking up to Y/N, who jumps, startled at my voice.

"Yeah, uh, I forgot to uh, care. Yeah, I forgot to care and went home." Y/N says and I sigh.

"Look, Y/N, I'm just trying to help you here. You have no friends."

"Kim J. is my friend." She says, pointing to the girl in school that probably sacrifices newborn kittens on a normal Tuesday night.

"Nope." Kim says before slamming her locker and walking away.

"Come on, Y/N. One practice, come to one practice."

"What do I have to do?"

"Stand there and act like you know what the coaches are saying, be moral support for the teams, get in goal when necessary."

"How often will that be?"

"The playing? Not very often. Mostly just around time for State. JV will be done with their season, and people could be injured, keepers could have to step down from the team. This is high school, Harris, crazy shit happens, man." I say and Y/N sighs.

"Alright, alright, if I agree to show up to practice today, will you leave me alone?" She asks and I shrug.

"We'll see tomorrow after you go to practice today after school." I say before patting her shoulder on my way past her.


"So she actually showed. What'd you do?" Alexis asks.

"I just approached her at her locker this morning, guess I'm annoying."

"You didn't need Y/N to figure that out, I could've told you that." Alexis says and I push her away from me.

"I hate you." I say and she shrugs, walking over to Y/N to greet her.


"Hey hey, Harris." I hear, and look to my right to see Alexis walking up.

"Alexis, hi." I say and she smiles.

"I'm glad you came out." She says and I pause.

"Uh. I-"

"To practice, kid. I'm glad you came out to practice. We appreciate you coming on to manage us crazy freaks." She says and I laugh nervously.

"Yup. That's what I did. Have no other reason to come out...Yeah, I'm walking away now." I say before power walking over to where the goal keepers are warming up, just because it's the furthest away from that awkward situation I just created for myself.


It's been about a month since I started managing the team, and I'm actually enjoying myself, but I kinda wish the team would start winning. I sometimes train with the team, and the coaches have been trying to get me to join the team.

"Come on, you're amazing." Alex says and I sigh.

"I'm mad at you, go away." I say to Alex, closing my locker and walking away.

"What? What did I do?" Alex asks, obviously jogging after me, so I turn around and watch as she slams right into me.

"Alexis told me that you were going to blackmail me into joining the program if I didn't do it when you asked."

The Girl Next Door (Alex/You)Where stories live. Discover now