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Taylor was lying on her bed. She stared at the ceiling as if she could see through it. She wasn't sure how long it had been since she was there. She remembered climbing onto the bed to sleep, but her eyes were wide open until now . 

The sun shone through the gap of her curtains, and the ray of light fell on her face. She sighed.

"It's already morning. It is today." She mumbled to herself.

Lazily, she pushed herself up and crossed her legs on the bed. She opened her arms and stretched as she let out a small yawn. And then her eyes searched the wall for the ugly yellow clock that her sister bought for her on her business trip.

"It's only 7:30..." she muttered.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of something moving, or more accurately, vibrating. She saw something blinking under the covers and warily took it out. It could be some weird 'toy' that her sister misplaced. Taylor pulled the covers and let out a relieved sigh. It's just her phone.

6 missed calls

4 messages

Taylor ignored the missed calls and opened her inbox instead.

'Tay, are you really not going to the prom?' - Hailey

'Just come, I'll find a date for you! Would you like a boy or a girl?' - Hailey

'Don't come home too late. I miss doing things to you <3' - Camila

Taylor gulped. "Er... what the?"

'Sorry Tay! I accidentally sent that message, please ignore it! I'm still new with this iPhone!' - Camila 

"WHAT THE HECK?! UGHH!!" Taylor shouted in disgust before throwing the phone back under the covers.

She shook her head vigorously, trying to get the mental image from Camila's message out of her head. Her soon-to-be sister in law abandoned her blackberry to have a couple white iPhone with her sister. Taylor couldn't understand the two. Sometimes, she regretted helping them get back together.

But one thing wouldn't get out of her head.


It will happen tonight and she is not going. Well, that's what she told everyone.


she heard a high pitched voice from downstairs,



Taylor stood by the kitchen, shocked. There was a strong burnt smell all over the place and it was filled with grey smoke. As minutes passed, the smoke began to clear and she saw two figures standing by the sink. It was her sister, Lauren and her fiancé, Camila.

Inside the sink was something that looked like a burned pot.

The young girl let out a loud sigh. Her mornings are no longer peaceful since the two moved in. It was all her mother's idea to keep the horny lovebirds in their house in order to avoid them from breaking up. She couldn't trust them living by themselves and forced them to live there, at least until the wedding. But Taylor had a feeling that her mother wants them to live there even after they got married. The thought made her feel like moving out.

They looked at Taylor, with panicked expression. The young girl couldn't unsee Camila's half-unbuttoned shirt and Lauren's messy bed hair. That, combined with the burned pot could only mean one thing.

Taylor shook her head.

"Let me guess..." Taylor said.

"Mila wants to get to my mother's good side and decided to make breakfast. She probably asked the family cook to leave her alone in the kitchen. She was brewing something in the pot when my sister came in and you guys can't help but make out... probably on the counter... ugh..." Taylor looks disgusted.

Lauren gulped while Camila looked down guiltily.

"Then both of you forgot about the pot until it almost burned down the house..." Taylor added.

"That's not true." Lauren said firmly.

"Oh really?" Taylor said, sarcastic.

"We didn't made out on the counter, it was against the fridge..."

Taylor's eyes widened and she quickly covered her ears.


She shouted before stomping out of the kitchen angrily.

Camila and Lauren looked at each other.

"Laur, is she really not going to the school prom?" Camila asked, worried.

Lauren looked at her fiancé but she didn't answer anything. Slowly, she pulled her close and wrapped her arms around her. And then she planted a kiss on her forehead.


"What happened in the kitchen?!"

The lovers were startled and reluctantly let each other go because of the intruder.

Clara looked at the messy kitchen, shocked.

"Mom, we can explain... what happened was... er..." Lauren said, struggling to find the right words.

"Mom, they made out against the fridge and almost burned the house," Taylor said as she suddenly appeared behind her mother.

Lauren stared at her sister in disbelief; the younger girl smirked at her.

That Taylor is such a tattle tale!

Clara gasped. "They what? Against what? Okay, that's it!"

"Mom..." Lauren and Camila said in unison.

"When you're in my house, you both are not allowed to make out in the kitchen! That includes the fridge, the counter and everything! We cook food in here for god's sake!" Clara said firmly.

"Then you should let us go back to our house." Lauren muttered.

"And risk you two to fight over stupid things and call off the wedding?" Clara scoffed.

"There is no way I can let that happen! I've already sent out invitations to the VIPs and booked their flight tickets and hotel rooms just so that they can attend your wedding! Don't even try to fight!"

"Then you should let us make love!" Lauren added.

Camila's face turned red immediately and she looked down, embarrassed. Lauren was so bold.

Clara cleared her throat. "Miss Romeo Lauren..."

Lauren rolled her eyes.

"There's a place for that, and it's called the bedroom."

Taylor can't help but snort.


Madison was sitting in front of her makeup table. She looked at the girl in the mirror and noticed how gloomy she was. Even though she was wearing a beautiful dress and make up, it couldn't take away the frown on her face. Madison wished she could ask the girl in the mirror to smile. It was prom night after all.

"Do you really have to wear the mask?" asked Ariana as she kneeled down beside the little princess.

Madison nodded, "I have to, Ari. The theme is masquerade ball. It'll be weird not to wear it."

Ariana sighed, "But I don't think you need it. You shouldn't cover your pretty face with a mask."

Madison smiled.

"Maybe a mask is what I need to get through tonight..." she mumbled.

The older girl overheard her and raised an eyebrow in response. She put an arm around her shoulder and patted it gently.

"What's wrong, dear?" she asked.

Madison kept mum and looked down.

Ariana moved closer and held her hand before squeezing it tenderly.

"Maddie, you're wearing a pretty dress and you're going with one of the cutest guy in school, then why..."

Madison looked up and shook her head.

"I'm okay, Ari. Don't worry," she said, faking a smile.

She picked up her mask and put it on.

Ariana knew she's not okay.


Taylor glanced at her watch again. It's already 8:10 pm. She looked at the door in front of her and raised her knuckle to knock on the door. But when it's about to reach the wooden surface, she stopped. She let out a loud sigh and stepped away from the door again. She's been doing this for the past ten minutes.

She looked at the door again. It was her sister and Camila's bedroom door. It was not easy for her to knock it; who knows what's going on inside. But still, Taylor stood there, waiting for one of them to come out. There was something very important she needs to say.

She glanced at her watch again, and five minutes already passed. She bit her lip.

I can't wait anymore.

Suddenly the door opened. Taylor's eyes lit up when she saw her sister and luckily, she was fully clothed.

The two sisters looked at each other in silence as they're both waiting for one of them to speak.

"Unnie..." Taylor said hesitantly.

Lauren looked at her and waited.

Taylor wanted to continue but she couldn't bring out the words out of her mouth. Something called pride stopped her.

"Never mind..." She said with a sigh. She turned around and wants to leave.

"Hey, Tay." Lauren called. Taylor stopped walking and turned to her sister.

Lauren smiled.

"If you want our help, all you have to do is ask."


The night continued with a mix of pop songs playing in the hall with the volume allowed by the principal. The students were getting into disco fever.

At a corner of the hall stood a couple who were very awkward with each other. Jacob had ran out of topics to talk to his date, Madison, who was unusually quiet that evening. All his charming lines were replied with either yes or a simple nod. She didn't even remove her mask, as if she was hiding her expression. She was probably crying at his bad jokes behind her mask and he would have no idea.

"Er... Maddie..." He said, breaking the silence.

Madison looked at him.

"Would you like a drink? Let me get you a glass of fruit punch," he said, pointing at the table filled with drinks across the hall.

"Yes, sure," Madison replied with a nod.

"Okay, wait here. I'll be back in a flash," Jacob smiled as he leaves.

Madison let out a loud sigh as soon as he left. Being with him was like being imprisoned underground; it was suffocating. There was nothing wrong with him. He was so charming and nice, but Madison couldn't pretend like she was enjoying her time when she wasn't at all.

She looked across the hall, her eyes searching wildly for someone. Though she knows that someone wasn't coming, but she couldn't help but hope.

She missed the sight of her.

Unknowingly, a tear rolled down her left eye. She removed her mask and wiped her cheek with her fingers.

That was when Jacob suddenly came back, wearing a mask. Madison was startled with his presence and dropped her mask to the floor.

"Oh... where's the drink?" Madison asked when she noticed that he wasn't bringing anything with him.

But he didn't reply, instead he took her hand and pulled her towards the dance floor.

"But-I don't really feel like dancing!" Madison said as they arrived in the middle of the dance floor.

As if it's on cue, a slow romantic ballad begins.

He bowed and offered his hand to her without saying anything. Madison don't know why, but she took his hand and dance. He pulled her closer and put an arm behind her as they swayed along to the music.

You're in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two

It was 'So Close' by Jon Mclaughlin.

That was when Madison realized that he had suddenly become shorter. He was only about her height, which was impossible.

How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?

They looked at each other. Madison could feel her heart beating faster as she stared deeper into his eyes.

She gulped.

This is not Jacob.

Jacob doesn't make her feel like this. There was only one person who could.

"You're not Jacob-

Suddenly, a finger landed on her lips to silence her. The masked stranger's face was so close to hers. Madison found it hard to breathe.

"Wh-Who are you?"  

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