Facing Fears Pt.1

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The walk to my house went by pretty fast since the shoppes were right by I live. Me and Alex talked a little about the colleges we want to go to and what we want to major in. It was a bit weird when he asked if I was gonna follow my family's footsteps and work in the field of dentistry. Of course I told him no and he just laughed and told me he was just kidding. We got home and Matt was in the kitchen making food.
M-Hey guys!
K and A- Hey
M- So did you guys have a good time shopping
K- Ya it was nice . So how was your day?
M- Long, tiredly
K- If your that tired maybe we should reschedule my appointment until tomorrow
M- Ha your funny. I'm not that tired sis
I just give him a look and said  it was worth a try and Alex just laughed at me.
M- go wait for me in the house office and I will be there right now
I go upstairs and put comfy clothes on like sweats and a sweater and Alex waits for me in the office. By the time I get there Matt is already there and ready to start.
A- come take a seat babe
I go and sit down in the chair and he pushes the button to make my seat go down.
As I go down Alex gives me a smile and I just give him a smile back making it seem like I wasn't scared. Matt comes back and sits on the stool and taps on my lips to open up. I hesitate to do so.
M- Ken you have to let me take a look on how your tooth is doing
I just shake my head no
A- Babe please just open up you know your brother won't hurt you
M- Please Ken you know I wouldn't hurt you.
I still just sat there with tears in my eyes
M- What would help you face this
K- I'm just scared
M- I know you are babe but you need to overcome this fear
As I was laying there all I was thinking about was that this is something I need to overcome and i know my brother won't hurt me.
A-Are you good now baby?
K- Yes babe as I wipe the tears off my face.
M-Are u ready Ken?
K- Let's just get this over with

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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