Chapter 2- keeping it a secret

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(Days passed)

I got up this morning with more pain then I went to bed with. I would move or try to touch near my mouth a just a shock of pain would go through my mouth. I wanted to cry but I knew if I did my brother would find out and I didn't want to risk that. I got ready did my hair got dressed and went down stairs. I tried to look happy so it seemed like nothing was wrong. Downstairs my brother was waiting for me to take me too school but I had to eat first, that was gonna be a difficult task. Luckily I just made a shake and my brother didn't even question it. We got in the car and he took me too school.
As I got there my boyfriend Alejandro or as I call him Alex ofc was there waiting for me. Alex knew about my fear of the dentist and knows my family owns their own place. But he didn't know about my tooth hurting and I didn't want to tell him either. I was afraid he was gonna tell my brother. As I walked up to him he kissed me and I had to kiss back so I wouldn't make it weird and obvious that my mouth hurt. But inside I wanted to die. We walked up to school while holding hands and he looks at me with confusion because I am the first one to start talking about the day but today it was different it was an awkward silence half way to the school. He finally asked me if I'm OK and ofc I say ya why wouldn't I be. He just looks at me and says OK babe just checking. We had about 10 minutes of freedom before the bell rang for the period 1 starts and we separated from each other. We say our goodbyes hug and kiss each other and begin to walk away. But I know deep inside Alex is gonna find out sooner or later like always.

Fears and Tears حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن