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I sat on the bed the rest of the morning, waiting for the guys to return and thinking about what happened.
This could end pretty badly for me, and I had experienced this before. Maybe I just wasn't cut out for this job.

When I was an assistant for Aerosmith, which was awful, I kinda had a thing with Joe Perry. Well, long story short, we got caught and I got fired. Joe moved on and I was a heart broken 20 year old who thought she had life figured out.

Now I had to deal with this. It wasn't even John's fault. We both acted in this and it was wrong. I could get fired, no matter how much the guys seemed to like me, or how much Lindy trusted me, it just takes one time being caught and you're out.

That's why I took a break from working with bands and just worked behind the scenes instead. I'm now 22, thinking I finally have it figured out only to be placed back in the same position I was two years ago. When I was 20 I thought it was worth it. To risk my career for a guy. Much less, a rockstar. Cliche's aside, this was just wrong.

So I came to a conclusion, I have to stay away.
I went down to the lobby and got a second room. I didn't want to be in the same room. I had to resist the temptation.
I quickly moved my stuff across the hall from the guys, tidied up their room a bit, and shut the door. I told the woman behind the desk to give them a key to my room when she saw them return.

I kind of regretted my decision, maybe John would think he did something wrong. Well, in a way he did, but I'm not bothered. I just don't want to get in trouble. Hopefully he'll understand.

I almost missed being with Aerosmith. I was introduced to so many people. I knew being with the Chili Peppers would open completely new possibilities for me.
I really missed my friend from my hometown, Dave. I grew up with him in Santa Monica. I went back after my stint with Aerosmith to hang out with Dave. Of course it wasn't a great time to be around him, but I needed to be with someone who cared. Dave had a rough life. He's such a cool guy though. He convinced me to get my first tattoo, which was of course his initials on my ankle. We've always been close and I knew I wouldn't regret it later. We were always there for each other. Maybe if we tour down near there I'll go see him again.

"Frankie, why'd you leave us?" Chad asked, busting in and making me jump.
"Oh sorry. I just wanted my own bed I guess." I shrugged.
"Is that all?" He asked.
"Yeah, it's alright, no worries." I reassured him.

"Okay, bye Frankie." He said without a care in the world, walking back across the hall.
Then Flea came in and closed the door behind him.

"Wanna talk?" He asked.
"Flea why would I need to talk? I'm fine dude." I said.
"I know what happened." He stated, sitting across from me.
"I highly doubt it."
"You and John kissed, did you not?" He said.
"He kissed me. I had nothing to do with it." I told him, turning around as a sign for him to leave.
"Alright alright. Goodnight Frankie. Sorry to bother you." He muttered, leaving the room.

Neither Anthony or John came in. It was weird not seeing those two, but it was for the best.
I sighed and turned the lights off. Tomorrow it was back on the bus, going to Nevada I believe. Then we would be back to Cali.

I have big plans with this story. It's gonna get weird. Stay tuned😂

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