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Meriah's POV:

I forgave Henry, maybe quicker than I should have. I was still upset but I was over it in a couple of days because he and I were actually getting along a little but I knew he still wanted nothing to do with me.

Whatever, why should I care if he doesn't care?

We ran into each other at school a few times but we didn't say anything to each other.

"I still can't believe him. He doesn't say anything to me after how he treated me." I said to Jessica and Ellen on the bleachers at school. There was a football game going on.

"Who cares he's not worth it. He's a shit." Jessica said. "Yeah his." I said closing my mirror after putting my lipstick on. "It just bothers me how he can't even say hello after the stupid stunt he pulled. He and his posse of losers are so immature."

"They're not getting with anyone anytime soon." Ellen rested her hand on her elbow. I kept that thought in the back of my mind.

The bell rang so everyone left the field to go beck to class.

In the hallway I ran into Henry again. Half of me wanted to turn the opposite direction the other half wanted to walk straight to him and that was what I ended up doing.

I put my purse on my forearm

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I put my purse on my forearm. "Wow what a gentleman." I said sarcastically to him as crowds of people went past us. "What?" he was caught off guard. "Your'e not even gonna say hi?"

"What do you mean I thought you were mad me?" he said putting his headphones around his neck. "I'm not really anymore so i'd thought you'd be nice enough to just say hi."

"Well sorry I didn't know you wanted to talk to me so bad."

"Ugh, whatever I just wanted you to say something."

"Well you could have said something too, and why do you care?!" he threw his arms out. "I didn't want to walk around not talking for the rest of our lives!"

 "I didn't want to walk around not talking for the rest of our lives!"

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"Why does that matter to you?" he said. I felt my face slightly turn pink. "Because its... weird." I crossed my arms. "Umm I think it's weirder that we are talking." he smiled slighty with raised eyebrows. An irritated feeling came to my stomach. I stepped closer to him and said "You... are such an asshole!" I was louder than I thought causing people to look. I stormed away from Henry feeling my locks of hair flow behind me and I heard him follow. "Meriah, wait, stop, I didn't mean it like that, don't be so dramatic." he sounded irritated but not as much as I was. "What did you mean then?!" I turned around in his face. He looked a little caught off gaurd but then had a look of annoyance on his face. "I mean't because we are some what talking like friends. I didn't mean it in a bad way. Doesn't it feel a little weird for you too?" he said trying to get on my level. I relaxed a little when I realized what he meant. "Oh... well yeah I guess." We stood there for a moment. "Sorry for overreacting."

"It's fine. You didn't know, I gotta go are we cool?" He said. "Yeah." I gave him a small smile. Jared and Mike started to walk over an I left.

 Jared and Mike started to walk over an I left

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