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Meriah's POV:

At lunch that day I told Ellen and Jessica all about my experience with Henry yesterday.

"Well if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go ask how Henry how he thinks he did." I got up and walked over to the table where he and his loosers were sitting.

"Hey," I said. "Hey." Jared said nodding and checking me out with Mike laughing. I shook my head. "Hi Jared." I crossed my arms. Henry looked startled to see me. "Meriah... um... what are you doing?"he was acting weird. "Look I'm not here to bother you I just thought i'd ask how your test went."

"Fine." He smiled and then pulled out his phone.

"That's it? Just fine? Was I even helpful?" I laughed a little

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"That's it? Just fine? Was I even helpful?" I laughed a little.  I watched these boys weirdly react to me talking to them. They looked at each other, Mike and Jared looked confused and Henry looked like he was hiding something.

"Um... hello?"

"She helped you?" Mike said to Henry. "What's going on?" I was extremely confused.

Henry started talking. "It... was nothing." At that moment I knew exactly what was going on.

"Henry is there a problem?"

"Nope. I don't know what your talking about." he laughed a little with them. "No, I don't know what your'e talking about." I said raising my voice a little. "Relax Meriah, you're making a scene."

"What?!" I said

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"What?!" I said. "Henry why are you acting like this?" I was horrified.

Mike and Jared were laughing at both me and Henry. I got it right away why. I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes sting. I couldn't cry. Not in front of them. Not in front of Henry.

"Are you serious?" I managed to say holding in my tears.

They stayed quiet for a minute giggling. Henry looked like he didn't know what to say. I shot him a look and stormed away. I was so upset I didn't even go back to the table with Jessica and Ellen and they saw me walk by. I wrapped my flannel coat around myself tighter and stormed off to the bathroom.

I instanlty started to cry. I felt so immature crying over this but this hurt me really bad and I didn't know why. Jessica and Ellen came in concerned so I explained what happened. I fixed my running mascara in the mirror as I talked without caring if anyone else walked in.

"Henry's an asshole." I uttered.


"I don't even know why I'm crying over this or him but when I went to ask him how his test went because I helped him study for it he pretended like he didn't know what I was talking about.  He was acting like I was an idot by just randomly coming up to them and he was embarrassing me because he was embarrassed that he had been assisted with me and didn't want them to know."

"What a dick i'll go beat his ass." Jessica said. "Thanks," I rolled my eyes with a small smile. "but he's not worth it. I don't even know why I'm so upset."

"Because literally used you and got along with you just to get your help for his benefit and then acted like he never talked or got along with you to look good for his friends."

"I get that we don't get along but I wouldn't do that to him and that was the first time we got along."

"Exactly! Don't help or talk to him again."

"I won't. What hurts is that I actually was attempting to get along for good and he only wanted to for that." My tears were gone at this point but what hurt the most is that this proved to me that he really doesn't like me possibly even hated me.

" My tears were gone at this point but what hurt the most is that this proved to me that he really doesn't like me possibly even hated me

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