Chapter 4

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I'm back! :)

My eyes shoot open, and I sit up in my bed. What a night mare, I thought I was kidnapped. I take in my surroundings and quickly realize I am no longer in my room, instead chained to the floor. Shackles on my wrists, feet, and collar around my neck with sharp spikes stabbing at my neck with any slight movement on them.

"It's about time you wake up." I hear a cold, violent voice echo in the cage, causing me to shiver.

I look in the dark parts of the cage and growl, "Who's there? Show yourself, coward!"

"Calm down sweet, I'm only here to talk. The pain won't commented for another hour or so." A sickening laugh erupts from the shadows as a pale woman come forth.

I immediately feel the bad vibes radiating off of her and a growl erupts from deep within my chest that I never knew was possible.

"Feisty, aren't you?" She said.

"Wouldn't be the first to tell me that."

She takes a few steps closer, "you're really pretty. I see why master wants you more than the rest of the willing girls."

I lunge at her but am held back by the restraints," I am not willing to do anything."

She laughs at my failed attempt to strangle her and replies, "Soon you will be. Just wait until you meet our master. He is the most gorgeous man in the universe."

"Highly doubtful. Beauty comes from within, and clearly he isn't looking to pretty to me." I bite back.

She hisses at me then snaps her fingers. Other pale women come into the room and a few others that have tan skin with collars around their neck as well.

All of the women are bringing in a vanity and makeup. There's also a basin, which I believe is to clean my scrubby body. I don't know how I got so dirty, but it must be because of the crusty floor of the cage.

After 30 minutes of my snarling and fighting against the restraints, the girls finally finish doing my make up. So much powder on my skin, I'm probably going to have zits after this.

"You don't really need make up, I just wanted you to look even better for our master." The pale woman replies.

They slip a short dress on me that is magenta, coming a little past my waist line. It almost looks like some sort of lacy clothing, if you can even call it clothing. The women all leave my room, except for that witch. She pulls a key off of her neck and takes off the shackles, leaving the collar on.

"Try anything, and this collar will only tighten." She clips a magenta leash on me and leads the way out of the cell.

Really? A leash?

We walk through the mazes of hallways and come face to face with the biggest door in this place.

The woman opens the door and pushes me gently inside, although I know the push wouldn't have been gentle if her "master" wasn't around.

I look up to see a tall man, about 6'2", lying on a bed in the room. I can't tell what he is wearing because of the blanket that is covering him.

"Keerah, thank you for bringing her here. Leave immediately," he quickly dismisses her and she gives a slight bow.

She exits the room quickly and the man beckons me closer.

"Beautiful," he gasps. I give him a hateful stare and he chuckles. The most horrid sound on the planet, and I thought that woman's laugh was terrible.

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