Chapter 1

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It's a Saturday, and like many other girls my age I am going to a Saturday night party. If it weren't for my party hard boyfriend, I would still be that one girl that only focused on my schoolwork.

I throw on some cheap clothes, so if I get too messed up I won't puke on any good clothes. Hopefully it doesn't come to that though, a girl can only hope. I tie my hair into a tight ponytail and open up my window. I snatch my purse and keys off of my desk and climb through the window, then slowly lower myself to the deck. When I finally reach the ground, I run over to my car and stick the key into the ignition. I left it out of the garage tonight for that specific reason.

I pull out and head over to my best friend's house, Violet. She lives a few miles away from the town so I go and pick her up.

As soon as I pull into her driveway she comes jogging out of her house and slides into my car.

"Hey Vi! You ready to party?" I yell in her ear.

"Yes I am, Lizzy!" She screams back.

We pull out of her driveway laughing and blaring the music, some R&B and Hip Hop.

After that we pick up both of our boyfriend's and head over to the Suburbs.

We get to the party and see everyone is already enjoying themselves. There's a game of beer pong set up and food with a glass punch bowl filled with stuff that I know isn't punch.

At almost every party there is bound to be a fight, and today's fighters are Jake and Richard from my Social Studies class. They're new here and they both are brothers apparently, twins.  There's something strange about them, they both are so strong for their age. They're only sophomores and they have already fought some of the strongest seniors at our school at previous parties. The fight will probably happen soon, since they're already arguing with each other.

My boyfriend Layton and I sit in the living room cuddling and finishing off our drinks. While Vi and her boy Isaac are making out in the corner. The dj just turned on a very boring song for a party and I decide to go fix that.

"Hey baby, I'll be right back. I am going to go set this dj straight." I announce to Layton.

"Have fun!" He waves me off and turns away.

I shake my head at him, he's probably going to end up leaving early with some chick.

I grab another drink and stalk my way over to the dj. He looks up at me and I pause. He looks so familiar, but I don't have any clue who he is. He quickly looks away, breaking eye contact.

"Hey pal!" I smile at the man.

"Pal? Wow, that word really works nicely for a party. Good thing you didn't call me homie or something, that would be too weird." He said with a note of sarcasm.

"Oh, you're a lot funnier than you look! Maybe if you didn't have a resting bitch face, more people would be walking over here." I bite back.

"I like it this way, I don't need help with my music." He responds.

"You don't need to be an asshole, at least play music that would actually sound right at THIS party, homie."

"So feisty. I like that, my name's Alex." He reaches out his hand for me to shake.

I ignore his hand and smirk, "Elizabeth."

I hand him the drink and turn around, only to find my boyfriend talking to another girl. My shoulders slump and I face Alex again.

"Mind if I chill over here?" I look back at Layton and sigh, "My date is occupied at the moment."

Alex follows my gaze and shakes his head, "Why would a guy do something like that to YOU?"

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