Chapter 3

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The limo pulls into one of the hotel driveways located by the ballroom where my party will be hosted. The chaffeur ran to my side and opened the door for me. I step onto the red carpet and notice all of the guests must be inside already. I walk into the building and everyone begins clapping their hands and a few inappropriate boys begin whistling at me.

I put my mask on to hide the deep tint in my cheeks. I walk around the ballroom that is completely decorated for my birthday. There is a wide variety of food set up including a lot of different options for drinks.

A pink dress began to scurry over to me and I knew exactly who it was. I began to walk in the opposite direction and I hide behind someone. I look around for Violet when someone grabs a hold of me from behind. I turn around to see Layton.

"Hey beautiful, would you like to dance?" He said to me smoothly.

Even though he was my boyfriend I couldn't stop thinking about Merrick. The way he held onto me in the alley. The way he looked into my eyes. The way he kissed my forehead. These thoughts were making my heart pump faster and faster.

Layton wasn't looking in my eyes, but checking out my body. I was still a virgin, and him staring at me like this made me feel uncomfortable.

We walked out onto the dance floor and began dancing to a slow song. I was reaching inside of me to see if I even cared for him anymore. We've been dating for two weeks and we haven't even kissed yet. I liked him a lot in the beginning, but I now realize how much of a cheater he really was.

As we were dancing, someone else walked up and I couldn't tell who it was.

"May I have the rest of this dance?" He asked and I immediately recognized the voice, making my heart erratically skip.

Layton gave an angry glare, "I don't think so bud-"

I pushed away from him and slipped my hand into the man's own as he held it out for me. He kissed my hand and our eyes met. I peered into the set of brown eyes that have already captured my heart. I thought his eyes were gold?

Layton yanked me back, breaking me out of my trance, "Hands off pal!"

Merrick slammed his fist into Layton's face. Making him howl in pain, everybody gasped and gathered around, immediately chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Don't ever hurt her like that again." He growled at Layton.

My arm was throbbing by the way he was once gripping on my arm.

The manager came walking up with two bouncers behind him. I didn't even get to dance with Merrick and he was going to get kicked out. I'm surprised I didn't care what would happen to Layton.

The manager who's name was Grey, bowed in front of Merrick, "Shall we expose of him sir?"

Merrick turned to me with a questioning look. I shook my head yes, making Layton turn to me with a deadly glare.

"If you let them kick me out, Liz.. We're done!" Layton shouted.

"Oh Layton--" I begin, yet suddenly cut off.

"Oh please, you're definitely breaking up. You treat her horribly. If you ever dare hurt her again, you will surely be punished for your crimes."

I look over at Merrick with awe and adoration covering my face. I smile and thank him silently with my eyes and he understands.

The guards escort an infuriated Layton out of the building. The guards tell him he is banned from the building and continuing talking to him but I can no longer hear.

"Shall we?" Merrick asks, with his arm held out.

"We shall." I grab his arm and we waltz back out to the dance floor.

After hours of socializing and dancing, I have to everybody exiting the building. Merrick comes up to me and asks if I need a ride home, which I accept. We silently ride back to my house without me telling him where I live.

"Goodnight, princess." He tells me when I go to leave, placing a small kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight." I reply warmly.

I watch as he pulls out of the driveway after closing his door. After he leaves I walk inside and am greeted by my mother.

"How'd it go?" She asks.

"Layton and I broke up." I reply while setting by stuff down.

"I'm so sorry, dear," a look of worry crosses her face and I smile at her.

"Don't worry mom, I'm happier now." Knowing my words are true, as I go upstairs and head to bed leaving my mother looking dumbfounded.


In the middle of my sleep, I hear voices whispering. Thinking it was just a dream, I try to go back to sleep. This time I hear the whispering is a lot more urgent and there is more than just voice in my room. I jump up quickly and check my surroundings. There are 4 men in my room and I begin to panic.

"Mom!" I scream quickly, only to be knocked out cold.

A/N: sorry I wanted this chapter to meet my quota buuuuut apparently not. Sometimes my hands don't listen to me when it comes to writing. Lol :) hope you like it

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