Chapter 4 - Too Special

Start from the beginning

"Ugh I need to do that. I'm telling could connect the dots with all the ingrowns I get...looks like the damn Little Dipper." Marissa was laughing hysterically at her own joke.

Chantal added, "We should do it together. You know...coincide our appointments and then go to dinner afterwards. Maybe I'd finally get to see you two on a regular basis."

"That's right because friends that wax their snatch together stay together." Noelle giggled.

The buzzer to Noelle's apartment sounded. Marissa got excited, "Oooohhhh Noelle...paging Dr. Gabriel Chastain is here. Oh honey you will be pa-leeeased. He's gonna open that hanger honey. He's gonna be having you rain on your runway. Mmmm...I'll get the door, you put on another layer of lipstick on so it sets."

"Ok Chantal, I gotta run. Love you!

"Have fun!"


Noelle could hear Marissa giggling with Gabriel while she was fixing her lipstick. Zipping up her suede, thigh high boots and grabbing her purse Noelle entered the living room and instantly Gabriel smiled at Noelle.

Needless to say, Noelle was not disappointed and it was apparent Gabriel wasn't let down either.

Noelle couldn't take her eyes off of his bedroom eyes and the scruffy facial hair, she's always loved facial hair, and those full lips...she was gone.

Cat definitely got Noelle's tongue until she mustered a whisper, "Heavens did you say it's gonna rain tonight?"

With a chuckle, Marissa grabbed Noelle's hand and led her to Gabriel. Noelle squeezed Marissa's hand letting her know she liked what she saw causing Marissa to squeeze back.

"Gabriel this is Noelle Dubois. She's the best girl ever."

Funnily, they both said hello at the exact same time. Causing all three to have a nervous chuckle.

Gabriel smiled broadly as he gazed downward, a little shy, but then his eyes cooley followed up her thigh high boots, lingering at the curves of her hips, narrowing waist and high, perfect breasts until their eyes met.

"I had no choice but to meet you because Marissa has been making such a fuss."

"Marissa can be persistent." Noelle said a little mortified at her friend's insistence. She hoped her bragging didn't come off as Noelle being desperate.

"I don't think she fussed enough."

Marissa giggled, "That's so sweet. My girl is beautiful to be sure."

Gabriel extended his hand as if to shake Noelle's, but instead brought her hand to his lips and placed a light kiss on it.

Marissa was a giggling fool watching her friend and coworker who were obviously captivated with one another.

"Well we'd better get going, I don't want to keep Donovan waiting for us too long, he'll think I wasn't ready and I'll get blamed for us being late." Marissa admitted.

After Marissa stepped outside to wait for them in the hall, Gabriel asked, "Is this the coat you're wearing?"


He helped her with her coat, as he did, he got a good look at her backside in the sweater dress. He blushed even though there was no one there to witness his ogle.

Once her coat was on, she pulled her wavy hair out of the back of the coat accidentally flicking Gabriel in the face. Quickly, Noelle cupped his face, "Oh gosh...I'm so sorry."

"No worries." His hand covered hers, bringing it down and keeping a hold while leading her into the hallway to the elevator where Marissa was waiting.

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