Chapter 10: Liquid Love

Start from the beginning

"Crucio." Voldemort mumbled, swatting the hands away.

"Oh no; I'm in so much pain." Harry drawled sarcastically. "I can barely move. I doubt I'll ever walk again."

"How it should be." Voldemort grumbled, only half awake.

"Get up then." Harry groaned. Voldemort groggily opened his eyes, and sent a half-hearted death glare to Harry.

"Your heart wasn't in that." Harry chastised.

"I have a heart?"

"I think you do." Harry teased.

"I don't. Get used to it." Voldemort sneered, but got up out of the bed.

"Severus, I feel sick." Harry moaned.

"I'm sorry Harry, I don't have anything for that. I sent the batch up for the hospital wing, and didn't keep any back." Severus said apologetically. "But perhaps, you should sit with Lucius, and be sick on him." Severus smirked.

"I might just do that." Harry moaned.

"You will not." Voldemort scowled.

"Jealous?" Harry asked teasingly, while rubbing his stomach.

"Oh yes, I'm incredibly jealous. In fact, I think I might die of heart break if you didn't sit with me." Voldemort declared dramatically.

"Well, I wouldn't want you to die," Harry said thoughtfully. "So, I'll sit with you. And anyway, we established a minute ago you didn't have a heart." He said teasingly.

Suddenly, there was a sharp crack, and nine bowls of…slop, and nine glasses of water appeared in the room.

"I told you it was slop." Voldemort muttered.

"There's still some cake left!" Hermione piped up, helpfully.

"NO!" Harry yelled, and everybody looked at him. "No more sugar." He shuddered.

"Yes, I don't think we want another episode like that." Voldemort said quickly.

"Ginny, go and fetch the stuff and pass it out." Harry said off-handedly, seeing as though she was closest.

"Yes, of course I will." Ginny beamed. She got up, and eventually managed to give everybody but Harry their food and drink.

"You've forgotten somebody." Harry said playfully, hoping she wasn't holding any grudges… although he knew that the hope was fruitless.

"Oh! Sorry, Harry." Ginny smiled, and Harry started speaking in Parseltongue to Voldemort.

Everybody was too preoccupied with their food to notice Ginny emptying the contents of one of the potions bottles she stole earlier into Harry's drink. She smirked evilly, that would teach him to say she was a slut. They'd all think he was a slut after this!

She carried over his bowl and drink, and passed them to him.

"Thank you, Ginny." Harry said happily.

"How can you sound so cheerful because you've received this…" Lucius dipped his spoon into the slop, raised it above the bowl, and poured the slop back into the bowl. "Slop." He finished, with a disgusted look on his face.

"What can I say, I'm hungry." Harry chuckled.

"You are very cheerful this morning." Voldemort noted, tentatively tasting his 'food'.

"Well, since Rodolphus didn't come in the night, I'm going to presume he'll come sometime this morning. So, today is the die I die." He said with amusement.

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