Chapter 4: A Rescue from Seduction

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Harry yawned, and tried to shrug off Voldemort's arm. "Is there a reason you've got your arm draped over me? I can't get up!" Harry complained.

Voldemort glared at him, but removed his arm. Lucius, Draco, Ginny, Hermione and Severus had sauntered off to where they had moved the food, and were helping themselves to more butter-beer and cauldron cake. Well, everyone but Severus, who was taking dignified sips out of his bottle, and sending scowls at the cake.

"I'm not hungry," Harry said absent-mindedly.

"Then why did you suggest a break?" Voldemort asked curiously.

"To stretch I suppose." Harry said cheerfully. "I could do with a drink though…" He added thoughtfully, before getting up and going over to the others.

Ron had gone to the far corner of the room, and was pouting. Voldemort shot him a disdainful look, before moving over to Harry, and the rest of their unusual group.

"Sheesh, I only came to a get a drink, what are you, stalking me?" Harry joked as Voldemort came up beside him.

"If I was 'stalking' you," Voldemort began. "I'd be out of sight, and deathly silent."

Harry snorted, and Voldemort chose to ignore it. "More importantly, when do you think Bellabitch is going to come?" Harry asked, taking a swig of butter-beer.

"Soon, she was sent on a mission before you… arrived. She has been gone for quite some time." He informed. "Why?"

"I'd like to know how long it is before I die," Harry admitted.

"Who says you're going to die?" Voldemort asked quietly.

"You've said so several times!" Harry argued jokingly. "Anyways, we've still got a duel to fight." Harry gave his best friend-enemy a cheeky smile, before walking away, intent on stretching his legs.

Lucius and Draco were stood together talking and eating in the corner opposite Ron. Hermione and Severus seemed to have gravitated towards each other again, and were talking quietly by the food. Voldemort seemed to have the exact same idea as Harry, and was walking the boundaries of their prison and was currently near Draco and Lucius.

"Hi Harry," Ginny popped up from behind him, making him jump.

"I wish people would stop making me jump!" He said gasping.

"Sorry." She muttered and there was a brief, but awkward silence. "I'm sorry you found out like that," She said quietly, and Harry silently pleaded she wasn't talking about what he thought she was.

"Found out about what?" He asked innocently.

"You know… Voldemort asking me…" She trailed off.

"Oh. That." Harry looked around awkwardly.

"Did you know?" She asked hopefully.

"I sort of thought you might fancy me or something," Harry mumbled, becoming more embarrassed by the second.

Ginny blushed. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because," He looked around again, everyone was exactly where they had been the last time he looked, except Voldemort seemed to have gotten closer to where he was standing.

"I didn't want to make things awkward." He lied. This wasn't really the best time to tell her he didn't like her in that way.

"How would it have made things awkward?" She pressed.

"Well, with Ron and everything…" Harry lied again. Thank god for the improved version of Veritaserum!

"He's not a problem now is he," She said quietly, moving closer to him. Harry gulped.

Truth of dare ~ Riddle MansionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang