⚡️Chapter 7⚡️: Liar Liar

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*May contain some stronger Language*

"I love you" Scorpius says.

Lily looks up at him with tears in her eyes and whispers

"I love you too"

Scorpius smiles and kisses her passionately.

She kisses back.

"Ahem!" Someone yelled. They pulled apart and saw Albus standing there.

"As I was saying! The players have been picked for Quidditch. I am a proud Beater and Scorpius you are the new Keeper!"

"YES" Scorpius yelled.

"Congratulations!" Lily said to her brother and boyfriend.

"I'll leave you guys alone! I'm going to go talk to Sara Wood to see if I made the team!" Lily said and left.

"Use Protection." Albus said.


"Use Protection" Albus repeated

"What are you talking about?"

"Use Protection if you ever want to do you know what with my sister. She's only 14. She can't be a mom yet."


"I'm just saying when you two want too Use Protection" Albus said and left.

Scorpius was embarrassed. Having that conversation with your girlfriend's brother who is also your best friend is awkward. Very awkward!

"IM THE CHASER AND BACK UP SEEKER!" Lily yelled as she ran toward Scorpius and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

Scorpius smiles and kissed back.


Rose's POV:

I'm going to get Lily in trouble, hated by her family and friends. Hated by Scorpius.

I started with a simple letter.

             "Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry,

I just wanted to let you know that Lily has been bullying so many people and having sex with almost every guy in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Including my boyfriend Sebastian. She's been calling all the girls sluts. I just thought maybe you should know.

                   Rose Granger-Weasley"

I have it to my Owl And the Owl flew away.


3rd Person POV:

Little did Rose know that Stella Stuart (Cho's daughter and one of Lily's friends) was standing by the door and heard every word of the letter.

So she decided to write a letter to Harry and Ginny saying that what Rose told them wasn't true and she's happy with Scorpius Malfoy.

*Magical Time skip to Gryffindor's Quidditch Practice 2 days later.*

"Welcome Everyone to The First Practice of The Season! We are going to win the house cup this year! I promise you! As long as we work hard and stay focused!" Sara said.

"Let's get started"

The team worked hard and they saw The Slytherin Team come in the middle of their practice.

"What are they doing here!" Paige (Beater) Yelled.

"Go home terrorists!" Peter (Chaser) Yelled.

"Calm down we just can here to let Lily know that her parents are here to see her. Headmistress McGonagall wants her in her office." Yelled Gabriel Flint.

Lily flew to the ground and ran to The Headmistress' Office. Still in her gear. She guessed a few passwords. Until one worked: Marauders.

Lily walked in and saw her parents and Rose and her parents. They all look like they wanted the kill her.

"Why are you calling my perfect sweet little Sunshine A slut! You whore! You've been sleeping with so many people! What the bloody hell is wrong with you! You are a disgrace to this family."

Apparently Stella's letter never made it in time.

Ginny and Harry stayed silent.

Ginny and Harry just stayed there. Not doing anything trying to figure out what happened to their daughter.

"Nobody likes you Lily! You are the most disgusting person to Walk this earth!" Rose Shouted.

Lily had tears in her eyes trying to figure what they were talking about and  just ran out of the office and went to the Astronomy Tower.

"Ronald Weasley! How dare you say that about our daughter! She did nothing wrong read this.
(Stella's letter). Rose is the filthy liar! She put love potions on boys and slept with most of them while they were still with their girlfriends! Rose even dated Lily's boyfriend Lysander while they were still dating! If anyone is the slut it's her!"

Ron glared at his daughter and ran out the office to apologize to Lily. Ginny and Harry followed and Hermione lectures her daughter.

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