⚡️Chapter 4⚡️: Quidditch Trials

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Scorpius woke up with Lily curled up on his lap. He looked down at her and smiled. Then he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He slowly turned around and saw all the Potter's behind him. Ginny was trying to hide a smile, Al was giving him a thumbs up, James was giving him death glares and mouthing 'If you break her heart I will kill you' and Harry was sleeping in one of the chairs and his glasses were slowly falling off his face and snoring.

Lily started to slowly wake up and rubbed her eyes.

"Oh yeah I forgot! Scorpius Captain is holding Quidditch trials in an hour! Lily you have Quidditch trials before dinner!"

"Okay Al" Lily mumbled and fell back to sleep.

Scorpius tried to wake Lily up by kidding her temple, nose then softly on the lips.


That woke Lily up and she smirked at James and kissed Scorpius on the lips just to annoy James. James gave death glares to Lily and James started smiling.

"Lysander was expelled and sentenced to 1-2 years in Azkaban for using an Unforgivable Curse." Albus Stated.

Lily smiled and got off of Scorpius and talked to Ginny til Ginny and Harry had to leave. Harry woke up a few minutes before they had to leave.

James told Harry about Scorpius and Lily kissing and Hardy gave Scorpius The 'Talk'.

Harry and Ginny kissed Lily's head and kissed Al's cheek and left. James stayed for a little bit to prank some of the professors then left.

"Sooooo I'm just going to leave the LOVEBIRDS alone!" Al said then left.

"Don't you have Quidditch trials soon?"

"OH YEAH! I better go! See you later Lils" Scorpius said and kissed Lily and ran out of the Hospital Wing.

Lily giggled and couldn't leave the Hospital Wing till after Lunch.

She stayed there for about an half hour before she heard multiple people running into the Hospital Wing.

"He was hit in the head with a bluffer and fell about 200 feet." One student said.

"Lily's going to kill us." Said another

"Shhhhh she's staying in The Hospital Wing remember?!" Lily heard Al say.

"Hey! Hey guys! What's  going on?" Lily said.

"N-Nothing Lils just go back to bed!" Al said quickly.

"Fine" Lily said and went to sleep.

A few hours later.

Scorpius woke up and had a major headache. He realized that it was almost dinner time. He soon heard footsteps running into the Hospital Wing and a girl wrapped her arms around him.

"Your awake!" Lily said happily

"Your really scared me." She said and kisses him all over his face.

"I was afraid you would forget who I was or....or.....or...." Scorpius kissed Lily and pulled her closer.

Scorpius broke the kiss and looked into her beautiful brown eyes.

"What are we?" Lily asked curiously

"Whatever you want us to be"






Lily and Scorpius kissed.

Until they heard Al clear his throat.

"Get your tongue out of my baby sister Scorpius" Al said and laughed.

"Come on we have to go. If you need to we can sneak Lily in our dorm." Al suggested.

Scorpius carried Lily to his and Albus' dorm.

Scorpius and Lily fell asleep together

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