⚡️Chapter 2⚡️: Secrets

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The Next Day:

Scorpius was excited for the breakfast today because he would be able to see the beautiful red haired brown eyed girl.

Lily Luna Potter.

The flawless Gryffindor 4th year. Scorpius knows he's a 7th year, but he can't help but feel this way about Lily.

Scorpius couldn't tell Al because well he would be hexed into the next century.

Scorpius Pov:
I  finally got out of bed and got dressed and went down to the Great Hall. Completely forgetting about Al.

When Lily was just about to enter she was pulled away by a Black Haired Ravenclaw Boy. Sebastian A Muggle born boy with the biggest crush on her. I watched him pull her away and I saw him talk to her for a while before he kissed her.

It hurt. I didn't stay to see if she had kissed back. Instead I just went back to my dormitory. I made sure Al wasn't here.

He wasn't.

Thank god.....

I can't let him see me like this....

He would ask wayyyyy to many questions.

"Why would she ever love a guy like me....."

Albus POV:

I woke up and saw that Scorpius was already up. He must of gone to Breakfast without me.

That git.

I got up and got dressed quickly and I headed for The Great Hall. I saw Scorpius and then I saw Lily.

I saw Lily being dragged away from The Great Hall by a guy I think his name is Steven or something. I saw Scorpius watch for a second then turn away. I saw the hurt look on his face.

I watch Lily pull away from him and slap him hard.

I decided to grab some food for Scorpius and throw it at him.

1) for liking my sister.

2) liking my sister


Then I will get him more food from the kitchen. Mostly chocolate because that boy can be dramatic and who doesn't love chocolate?!

I grab the food and run out of the Great Hall.

"Salazar" I sat and the portrait opens and I walk into the Dorm.

I head to me and Scorpius' dorm and hear him say.

"Why would she ever love a guy like me....." I knock on the door softly.

No answer.

I knock again but this time harder.

No answer.

"SCORPIUS YOU PIECE OF SHIT OPEN UP! OR I WILL HUFF AND I'LL PUFF AND BLOW THIS DOOR DOWN!" Aunt Hermione reads up wayyy too many Muggle Fairytales.

Still no answer.

I kick down the door and see and crying Scorpius in the corner of the room.

"Scorpius? Do you like Lily?"

I heard him quietly say "yes"

I was shocked and I looked at him.

"Why her Scorpius? Out of every girl in the school you pick my baby sister. Why?"

"I don't know. I just can't help the way I feel about her Al" he told me and turned to look at me.

"I lost my chance" He said again.

I stayed quiet and handed him the food.

"Eat it" I said

"Or I will dump it on your head" I warned.

He chuckled a little and ate it.

"I can't believe it. You like Lily and Lily likes you!"

"I like Lily and Lily doesn't like me! She likes Sebastian!"

"I've seen the way she looks at you dude. She likes you. Maybe even loves you."

Scorpius stayed silent and motioned for Al to leave. To give him time to pull himself together.

Al went to class and left Scorpius alone in the dorm.

After class

Albus left Potions to check on Scorpius and when he got there he saw that Scorpius wasn't there.

Albus decided to go check the library because besides the Quidditch Pitch that's Scorpius' favorite spot to hang out.

Albus went out of the dorm and started his way toward the library. When Al heard a gut wrenching scream

Lily's POV:

I saw Scorpius and soon was being pulled away from The Great Hall. When I turned to see who it was I saw Sebastian.

"Hey Sebastian" I said trying to hide my annoyance.

"Hey Lils" He said happily.

Before I could say anything else Sebastian kissed me. I stayed frozen for a few seconds and pushed him away. I slapped him hard and turned and saw that Scorpius was gone.

"WHY THE  BLOODY HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" I screamed in his face.

I stomped all the way into The Great Hall and ate some food then made my way towards DADA.

When I got out of DADA I was confronted by Lysander and Lorcan.

"What do you want Lysander?" I said angrily

"I just want to know why your brother beat me up yesterday!"

"Because you cheated on me with my slutty cousin." I started to walk away when I fell to the ground and let a sharp pain make its way all throughout my body.

"CRUCIO!" Lysander kept repeating.

I couldn't hold back as scream anymore.

So I screamed.

And screamed.

Until I heard someone running their way down the hall. I tried to see who it was, but I soon blacked out.

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