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"People leave,and die...It's the only normal thing in life" -Mike Montgomery

3rd person omniscient

Daniel sat in his room. Sitting on the bed with his two babygirls. Trying to find to way to tell them that their mom was not coming home.

Your two daughters,EmmaRae and Eleven,only 8 years old. He couldn't bring himself to tell them that their mom was killed in a car accident.

Eleven,el, looked up to Daniel. El had his blue eyes that turned grey when she was sad. "Daddy,is mommy coming home" El said tears ready to spill from her eyes.

Daniel looked down at his two babygirls. He had to tell them the truth their mom was gone. "No sweetheart,mommy is with the angels now" Daniel said as a tear escaped his eye.

Then EmmaRae began to cry. She was always a momma's girl while her twin was the opposite and was a daddy's girl.

"You mean S-shes not C-coming back" Eleven said to Daniel. "Yes,sweetheart she's gone"

Now both of his babygirls were crying. He wanted to cry but he had to stay strong for his little girls.

Eventually they stopped crying and the boys including your brother,Jack,was at the house you and Daniel had bought together 3 months after getting married.

The boys sat on the bed with Daniel. Watching him fall apart as you were his only source of light through the darkness.

The world,his world,was crumbling without you. He needed you more than ever but he had to accept the fact that you were truly gone.

5 Years Later

Daniel,got his shit together. The girls were now 13 almost 14 and they loved Daniel very much. Eleven made a new friend named Mike. She also befriended his friends Dustin,Lucas,Will,and Maxine.

EmmaRae,who goes by just Emma now,met a boy named Barry. He is very intelligent and loves science. They also help each other in ways though. His mother was killed when he was very little.

Daniel had also started something big. The life foundation. It goes to help people who have lost loved ones. Because

"People leave,and die...it's the only normal thing in life"


Hey so short update,also if you like stranger things be sure to check out my mike and Eleven book called "When we were young"

Also make sure to vote and Comment,as always much love.



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