2: Just A Dream

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eyo fams, im so glad to update this story back. thank you shaniacs and boogaras for your votes on my last one shot and HAPPY 100 READS! 🎉
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"Nice video today, Ryan." Shane patted Ryan's back, he smiled at Shane. "Thanks Shane." Ryan responded to his best friend. Suddenly, an awkward silence break in. Ryan bit his lip, thinking for a good question to ask Shane. "Wanna have coffee tomorrow?" He asked Shane, who's probably drinking tea at the room. "Sure, what time?" Shane asked, checking his wrist watch. "What about 4?" Ryan asked as he waited Shane's answer. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, you fucker." He teased Ryan while he raised his middle finger. "I should go now." Shane waved goodbye at him and left the room. He rested his head on the table. His secret was spreading. It was no secret to Ryan's friends about him having a crush on Shane since he appeared on The Secret Society of the Illuminati. While Shane, has the same feelings for Ryan too. Ryan hopped in his car and turned on the engine. Because of his happiness he turned on the car radio as his car collided into an another vehicle.

"Ryan? Ryan!" A voice echoed into his ear, his eyesight were blurry. "You need to stay with me." Someone said in a concerned way. "We need to take you to the hospital, Ryan. Just stay with me. You're gonna be fine." It was Shane, crying over Ryan's injured body. The ambulance sirens took over Ryan's ears with oxygen pump all over his mouth before he blacked out. As soon as Ryan is inside the ambulance, Shane did too, sniffing and wiping away his tears, hoping that his best friend will wake up soon and will be recovered. Shane quickly checked the cardiac monitor mount to see if he's fine. Shane held his right hand and cried so hard. Shane never cried this hard before. The equipments all around his best friend's body is making him anxious. As they arrived at the hospital, the doctors quickly grabbed the hospital bed where Ryan is lying. "Whiplash, deep cuts and an arm fracture." The nurse said to the assigned surgeon. "O.R. now!" The surgeon yelled as they followed.

Shane put his hands on his head. His eyes were red and it's watering again. His plain white T-shirt were stained. He waited hours and hours, waiting for the surgery to finish. "How's Ryan?" Steven asked Shane, looking concerned. "I don't know, Steven. I've been waiting for 4 hours." Shane rubbed his eyes. The assigned surgeon ran all the way to the waiting room and went closer to Shane. "Good news, we did the operation successfully. Bad news, he's in comatose." The doctor frowned at them because of the bad news. "C-Can we see him?" Shane asked the surgeon, waiting for his answer. "Right now?" The surgeon responded. Steven and Shane nodded. "Room 74." He said. The two ran all the way to the room. Ryan has a cast on his arm and a cervical collar. The monitor at the left was beeping normally and the pulse fingertip oximeter is on his index finger. His wounds on his forehead were now covered in bandage. There are still bruises on his arm. He got dextrose and a nose tube on. Shane was kinda happy to see Ryan perfectly fine and recovering from the injuries.

2 weeks later...

Ryan woke up, with Shane sleeping on the chair. He analyses the room and smiled. "Shane?" Ryan called him with a groggy voice. "Peanut butter jelly." Shane murmured on his sleep, Ryan grabbed the newspaper beside him and threw it into Shane's face. "FUUUGHFUGHFUHH." Shane woke up. He rubbed his eyes to clearly see if Ryan is actually up. "Hey." Ryan teased. Shane stood up and jumped around the room. "YOU'RE AWAKE!" Shane yelled at the top of lungs. The two giggled inside the room as Shane sat back on his seat. "I'm so glad you're fine, Ryan." Shane said, tucking Ryan's hair. "The BFU fans were really worried about you. Because, BuzzFeed Unsolved isn't complete without you." Shane said sarcastically. He exhaled. "This is stupid but, I'm in love with you Ryan. I started developing feelings for you. You can hate me as much as you want now. I know you don't feel the same about me." Shane confessed, blushing in front of his bestfriend. He stood up but Ryan held his hand. "Wait, Shane." Ryan said with a groggy voice.

"Shane, after all this time, I've loved you since we met at BuzzFeed. I know we've gone through hard times, sometimes we fight. That's what friends sometimes do, fight, share problems, solving them together and most importantly we record a video together. It's not stupid Shane, you're the only reason why my sadness faded. I love you, Shane. You're the one who brightens up my day." Ryan smiled at his best friend, Shane gave him a radiant smile. "I love you, Ryan." Shane touched his cheek, Ryan let out a small laugh. "Shut up Shane." Ryan teased, the two's faces were getting closer and closer they're ready for the kiss but—"Excuse me sir, your friend will be out this Tues—am I interrupting your moment?" The doctor ask, awkwardly in front of Ryan and Shane. "Oh uh, No you're not interrupting." Ryan said, Shane smiled at him. "Oh uh, sir, you'll be out this Tuesday." The doctor smiled at Ryan, who probably smiled and held Shane's warm hand. "Thank you." Shane said, desperately wants the doctor to get out of the room. "Now, can we finish our story?" Shane joked, looking into Ryan's eyes.

Now, finally, Ryan pulled Shane's shirt and kissed him as Shane went along with it. Ryan grinned and stared into Shane's eyes deeply. "I love you, my boyfriend." A smile plastered on Ryan's face as Shane says that. "Really?" Ryan asks him seriously. "Of course!" The two hugged together as a team fell down from Ryan's eyes, running down to his cheek.

1 month later...

"And the case will remain... Unsolved." Ryan finished the new unsolved video as Shane groaned and sipped his coffee. "Are you free tonight, babe?" Shane asked his boyfriend. "Yeah, why?" Ryan questioned, grinning at him. "I'll take you to dinner." Shane exhaled, Ryan, looking happy, kissed his boyfriend, "You don't have to take me to a fancy dinner, Shane. What's important is you're here with me." Ryan held his hand before they left at their office. "Ry, instead of a fancy dinner, let's have a movie night at your apartment." Shane said, holding Ryan's hands, kissing his forehead before he leaves. "I'll see you this 8, babe." Shane waved at his boyfriend as he turned on his car and drove away while Ryan did the same too. As soon as Ryan got home, he cooked popcorn, putting the drinks at the freezer and most importantly, blankets, pillows and movies. Ryan waited for Shane to come over. A call from Steven intervenes the horror movie, Ryan answered the call, "Hey Stee." Ryan greeted happily.

As Ryan heard Steven sniffing and crying, sadness clouded over Ryan's face. "Steven, what's wrong?" Ryan asked him, but Steven took so long to respond, "Steven, please tell me what's going on." Ryan asked, frustratingly. "R-Ryan... S-Shane h-had an a-accident." Steven finally answered, terror took over his face as he ended his call and drove all the way where the accident happen. Bunch of people were circling the road as they murmur. Then, Ryan saw Steven, who's actually crying. Ryan hugged Steven as he broke down. "Sir, your boyfriend was having a fatal crash, critical injuries and he's unconscious." The doctor explained to Ryan, while he cried. Shane's body was lying on the hospital bed with oxygen pump around his mouth. His head and chest were bloody, his favorite shirt were stained by his blood and lots of cuts were on his body. Ryan and Steven hopped on the ambulance to watch over Shane. Ryan held his right hand, it was cold like ice. "Shane, stay with me. I can't live without you." Ryan kissed his hand, staring at the cardiac monitor, which is beeping fast. "Please drive faster!" Ryan yelled from the back.

Minutes later, the cardiac monitor stops beeping rapidly but it prolonged. "No no no no, Shane please!" Ryan shook his boyfriend's body. The doctors did CPRs for 20 minutes but it didn't work. "Time of death: 7:37." The doctors confirmed as Ryan cried in agony. Steven tried to calm him down. But all Ryan want to do is to cry over his boyfriend's body.


"NO NO NO NO!" Ryan yelled in frustration as Brent calmed him down. Everyone in the bus looked at Ryan. "Ryan, Ryan! Tell me what happen!" Asked Brent, Ryan just woke up on a bad dream. "I-Is Shane okay?" Ryan asked Brent as he waited for his answer impatiently. "Uh, what do you mean?" Brent frowned, Ryan's tears were rolling down to his cheek. "Is my best friend okay? Brent, please tell me if Shane's okay! Please!" Ryan begged him, Brent glared at Ryan in confusion. "Ryan, I don't get it. Shane died 2 years ago because of a car crash. Don't you remember?" Brent answered Ryan. "H-He died? For real?" Ryan cried at Brent's shoulders as he rubbed his back. "I just dreamed about him confessing his feelings for me and we got together." Ryan explained to Brent. "He died, dude." Brent frowned.

Shane's love for Ryan only existed on Ryan's dreams.
Shane doesn't love Ryan in reality.

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y'all guys! thank you for reading this one shot of garbage. I hope you like it, and by the way, i'm not expert in english so beware for more grammatical errors on my upcoming one shots! vote, share, leave a feedback, or request some one shots! love lots shaniacs and boogaras!

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