Chapter Fourteen

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Winter was right around the corner. 

The streets were oddly quiet comparing it to the usual noise. The silence was comforting. Unlike when I had first went into this town 2 years ago, it had been loud. When I leave this place, it had been loud. When I performed here yesterday, it had been loud, too. Now, it was as if someone had turned off a switch. 

My mind couldn't help but wander off to others. Maybe it was because the silence made me feel at home - unlike when I was in my actual home.. it was peaceful. Deep inside, even back then, I've always wanted things to be like this. It made me think, it made me feel what I truly wanted to feel, it made me hear my heart out. 

These past few days, Jiyong has been much more paranoid. He was usually calm and composed, often speaking slowly so I could get what he was saying, but lately, it seems like he's always in a hurry. I couldn't blame him. In fact, I'd never blame him - he's been with me since the very beginning. 

He was never afraid to reach out to me. At times wherein I was acting like a bitch, when I needed him the most - or even when I didn't, he was there. Though it didn't seem like it, he would choose mercy over justice at all times. Maybe that's now the way Father sees him, but that's how I do. 

I wanted to do something for him as thanks. Even if it was just something simple, I knew he would be thankful. He always understood me, it was like he never really was suited to be just a guardian, he was like a teacher. A parent. 

As expected, it was colder in my spot than usual. I was about to sit down on the wooden box, when my eyes land on a piece of paper on top of it. 

I grabbed it, placing my crutches beside me. 

'Coffee?' it said. 

Talk about how much I loved coffee - because in fact, I didn't. I remember when Yoosung first made me taste it because I was usually grumpy in the morning, and I ended up coughing and chocking because it was too hot and bitter and just.. nasty. 

"So, what do you say?" I looked over my shoulder to see Hoseok waving at me. I pocketed the note, watching him make his way in front of me. He grabbed one of the plastic chairs and placed it in front of me, sitting. "I mean, if you're busy today, then it's more than fine." he shrugged. "But you know, hanging out isn't bad too." 

"Yeah, but coffee is." I cocked an eyebrow, watching as his expression went from 'I got this, we're getting coffee together!' to 'What did I do wrong?!' "I don't really like coffee. No, scratch that -- I hate coffee." 

"Oh?" his eyes widened, and he covered his face with his hands, obviously embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, Geoul! I didn't know. See? This is exactly why we should hang out more! If we're going to be partners, we might as well know what the other likes and dislikes!" 

"Partners," I repeated, scoffing a bit, but smiling afterwards. "But don't be sorry." 

"What do you wanna get, then?" he asked slowly, his face still in his hands. From the gap between his fingers, he glanced at me with one eye. "Milkshake?" 

I clicked my tongue, "Sure!" 

He assisted on carrying my guitar case, since he said his bag was light enough. My leg was aching today. There were times wherein it was incredibly painful, or numb, but this was one of the days where it just had to be painful! 

Though it's only going to be a few more days until I'll be up and going again. I wanted to walk normally, for people to not pity me, and if I'm lucky enough, to be able to dance again. In the meantime, I don't think I'd be as open to try and learn how to drive.. 

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