I walked by Cassandra on my way to the kitchen. She winked at me and gave me a thumbs up. I shook my head and laughed to myself.

That guy is so handsome. The way he looks at me, makes me feel desired.

I felt myself blushing at the thought of him touching my hand a few moments ago. My heart was racing as I walked into the kitchen and got his order placed.

While that cooked, I waited other tables around the same area in which Lucas was sitting. I felt his eyes on me with every move I made. I pondered whether or not I should be creeped out or not.

When Lucas's order was ready, I walked back with his pizza platter and as I approached him, he was smiling at me.

Ok wow, his smile.

"Here you go sir."

"Thanks, you're sweet."


"Thanks... um, what's your name by the way?"

"My name is Lucas."

"Alright... Lucas I hope you enjoy."

"Thank you."

I walked away to serve other tables, and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders as I walked. He was making me flustered, and I feel like he knew.

( Perspective of Lucas )

After my meal, I waited for Johnathan to come back; he came back to check on me moments later.

"Hey, is everything... I see that you're fine... err finished."


"Yea, I am."

"Alright, I'll take that platter for you."

He left with the platter and I pulled out my wallet, leaving him a thirty dollar tip. He came back, not acknowledging the tip out of humbleness.

"How would you like to pay, card or cash."

"Card... actually, before I leave, I... kind of wanted to ask a question."

He smiled and waited patiently for my question.

All of a sudden, I got nervous and hesitant.

"So, I don't do this often and I don't want to come off as a creep or anything, but.... you're.. you're sexy as hell... shit, I'm sorry.. I don't even know if you're gay... I didn't mean for that to slip out... shit, I'm sorry for cursing. What I wanted to say was, would date you me? Uh, that didn't make sense... I'm... this isn't going well."

He smiled big and started chuckling. "Haha, it's not... but... it's kind of cute."

I felt myself blushing.

I'm almost never this flustered.

"What do you say? Go on a date with this weirdo?"

He didn't even think too long before saying,"Yea, I'd love that."

We exchanged numbers, and he seemed excited.

"I'm free on Saturday."

"Alright, sometime around seven?"

"Yea, that'll work for me."

( Perspective of Johnathan )

"Cass, you won't believe it."

She and I were cleaning up the kitchen and her tone of voice told me that she already knew what I was about to say.

"I have a date with the guy... Lucas, and he left me a thirty dollar tip."

"Oh, Lucas huh, nice name. And oh my gosh!"

She jumped up and down excitedly.

"I knew putting you at his table would work."

"Yea, he's so charming."

"He better not end up breaking your heart... he's almost too sexy to be legit. I hope he's good."

"Me too, he seemed nice anyway."

"Mmmhmm, nice enough to fuck."

"Stop it Cass!"

"Hey, I'm just saying... the guy is hot."

"He is."

"Right and right now, he has his eyes on you. I'm so excited for you!"

"Thank you."

After we cleaned the kitchen, Cassandra and I parted ways as we made our way to our cars.

"See you tomorrow."

I drove home thinking about Lucas and what Cass said.

I hope he isn't just trying to get with me because of one intention. I hope he's actually interested in me as much as I am with him.

My thoughts shifted over to Liam as I got closer to home.

I hope he's doing alright.

I unlocked the door and walked into the house to see Liam sitting on the couch, drinking something.

"Hey babe, daddy's home."

"What's up dork?"

He set his cup down and he glanced over at me. I saw the bruises and I just felt like hugging him.

"Uh,oh," I said in a weird voice.


"I see my prey, and I'm about to attack."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

I ran over and jumped on top of him, kissing his cheeks.

"Hey, haha, get the fuck off of me."

I hugged him and wrestled with him as he struggled to get me off of him.

"Dude, for heaven's sake."

I kissed him on his nose and he made a disgusted face, but then smiled.

"Seriously, get off."

I got off and watched as he wrapped himself back up in his blankets.

"What the heck is wrong with you?"

"I can't give my baby brother love, kisses and hugs?"

"Fuck no. And you didn't want to kiss me yesterday you jerk."

He laughed immediately after saying that, and I felt better.

"I'm just trying my best to keep your spirits up, I know how hard it's been."

"Yea, Thanks."

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