New Faces At the Park

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I was at the park again and Monica and I were having a conversation about great works of literature.

She was about to suggest another book for me to read when somebody new sat down at our bench.

She was someone I had certainly never seen before.

She looked about my age- she had smooth brown skin, warm brown eyes and thick long curly hair.

Her body type was like that of a fairy and she had on dark jeans and a long beige top with a colorful scarf.

She held a book in her hand and a smile on her face.

She was the most interesting person I've ever seen.

Monica smiled knowingly at me and spoke up, "So, are you new around here? I've never seen you here before?"

She surprisingly shook her head, "I've actually lived here my entire life, I'm just one of those people that never gets out of the house, and when I finally do, people hardly notice,"

"I doubt that," I said.

She looked at me in surprise as I clamped my mouth shut and looked away from her.

I could feel Monica smile next to me as she asked the next question, "What's your name? I'm Monica,"

"Miranda, nice to meet you," She said with a delicate smile.

Monica pointedly nudged me.

"Oh! I'm Jason Kin," I said as a thought occured to me.

Before I could stop myself, I said what was on my mind-  "You have nice hair,"

She looked at me in surprise again, "You do?"

I smiled, trying to fight the blush working its way to my cheeks, 'Of course,"

Then she did something I would never forget.

She smiled at me.

And it was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

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