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The bell had rung for seventh period to begin five minutes ago and both taehyung and yoongi were nowhere in sight, making jimin anxious and jungkook concern.

"maybe we should go look for them before the teacher comes back "

Jimin said with a frown before he and jungkook got up and left the classroom, ignoring the class president's persistent yelling.

"can you track taehyung's scent while I track yoongi's " jimin asked while he picked up yoongi's scent.

"his scent is different but I can still easily track it" Jungkook said while licking his lips. Woundering why his Tae's scent smelled sweeter and slightly musky.

Jimin and Jungkook walked the long path of the schools hallway before stopping abruptly with confusion all over their faces.

"why are their scents so strong in the most secluded part of our school "
Jimin asked with furrowed eyebrows

"he better not have tried to mate Taehyung first... He......iisshh??? " Jungkook yelled. Before trying to cover his mistake at the end

Not giving Jimin the chance to question him..... Jungkook quickly walked down the hallway, with jimin following, before the two hybrids saw taehyung opening a door to a room.

The two rushed to their mate side as they heard the younger gasped and saw the tears building in his eyes


Both jimin and jungkook called, but taehyung just pushed passed them running away.

Jungkook went to follow taehyung as jimin turned to look at what's going on inside of that room. The wolf hybrid saw yoongi with red eyes growling as he choked the school's slut IU

"FUCKING SLUT!!! You just ruined everything for me because you couldn't keep your damn hands to yourself.......... I should rip your fake boob's out of your chest "

"yoongi!! " jimin yelled as he approached the angry older wolf, not even sparing a glance at the purple faced IU

"what the fuck happened, why was our mate crying?? "

"taehyung wait " Jungkook called quickly catching up to the younger.

"please Jungkook leave me alone " taehyung cried ignoring the look of hurt on jungkook's face. The younger wasn't trying to hurt his mate feelings. But the whole thing with Yoongi is just too much for taehyung to handle right now.

"but I just want to know....... "Jungkook paused as he sees a claiming bite on taehyung's neck.
"Tae...... Did you let Yoongi claim you??? Why would you let him do that when you won't let me!!! "

Jungkook yelled, angry that he's been waiting patiently since taehyung's sixteen birthday to claim the younger, but the fox hybrid has always turned him down.

The motion was quick and took Jungkook by surprise, the tell tale of his cheek stinging was the the only thing the dog hybrid could recognize besides the hurt and the fury behind the heavy tears and breathing of his mate

"I didn't let him!!! I'm tired of thoses who are supposed to be my mates hurting me!! You and yoongi are the same! Stay the heck away from me!!!! "

Taehyung yelled before running off again.

"you bit taehyung without permission? And then got caught with your nasty dick inside that STD infested bitch??!! "

Jungkook growled with his fist clutched, slightly surprising jimin. Yoongi let go of the now unconscious IU who passed out from lack of air as he stared at the other two hybrids

"like I explained, it wasn't like I wanted to sleep with the slut, she forced herself on me "

"like I give a fuck!!! Taehyung won't talk to anyone of us now because of you" Jungkook growled grabbing yoongi's collar

"what!!! But I didn't do shit! " Jimin yelled angrily before pushing Jungkook aside "you better FUCKING FIX ThIS YOONGI"

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