Chapter 2

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A/N in the prologue I mentioned a whole bunch of dragons that were not in the movies or tv shows but those dragons belong to me and I would be happy if those names stayed in my book only or at least I was credited. Thank you and enjoy.

Chapter 2

As I landed in the forest, I saw 5.5 dragons flying away and one of them looked suspiciously like a night fury. Seeing as I had been sent to try and find this night fury I quietly followed them to an island. Along the way, the fury kept glancing back but my scales blended right into the sky and all I had to do was close my red eyes as to not be seen. As they landed in a huge outer cave I flew into the forest. "This seems like a nice place. Perhaps I should stay in this clearing. It has a good water and food source so it will do fine for now."

Toothless POV (my god it is a pov switch everyone celebrate)

As I was flying over from Berk to the dragon's edge I felt like someone was watching me the whole time. I glanced back but no one was there. Hmm. As we landed I thought I saw the sky moving but it was only my imagination. I think. Hiccup did not notice obviously but I think it is ok. It is probably a changewing flying over to take a rest. I will check it out. I grab hiccup and throw him on my back as I take off. As I flew I thought of where it may have landed. I then remembered this one clearing that I had flown over hundreds of times and started to go straight there. As I land I hear a scuttle in the bushes and a slight growl. It must be feisty but not so big as a changewing. I start to get hiccup off my back so that I could check it out safely. All the sudden I heard my friends land behind me as hiccup greeted them.

Queen Luna

I heard someone land in my clearing as I scuttled into a bush. I look out and growl seeing that the night fury had a human on his back. As the human gets off more dragons with humans land in my clearing. I growl as they are invading my territory. I jump on the night fury as he stuck his nose into my bush. I sink my claws into his wings and my teeth into his shoulder as we roll around on the ground. I move so fast none of the humans can see what I am. All of the sudden the night fury starts to claw my shoulders to get me off. That is it, I grab him by his scruff, fly up into the sky, drop him and charge the monstrous nightmare as I need them all gone NOW! The nightmare is taken by surprise as I land on his back and bite his shoulder. He lets out a roar and starts to light on fire. It does not affect my fireproof scales while it would hurt most night furies. This scares him because this would usually work on most dragons. As I hang on I see a nadder preparing a spine shot. I suddenly twist the nightmare just as the nadder shoots her spines so that it hits the nightmare. Once the nightmare was down I went after the annoying nadder and hit her blind spot with my claw making her faint. So then I go after the zippleback and just clunked his heads together to make him black out then I flee back into the bushes before the humans can go after me. "Wow, those dragons were easy to whoop. They definitely are not familiar with the island of the unknown.


A blue and silver dragon just hopped out of the bushes, whooped our dragons butts and hopped back into the bushes without a trace. We need to find this super powerful dragon before it does any more damage. Also, we don't even know what kind of dragon it is. It battled, won, and was gone with a flick of its... feathered??? tail. 

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