Chapter 1

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A/N the picture above is Queen Luna as a night fury

I walked over to the high rock and let out a roar calling all the dragons on the island except the guards to a royal meeting. I had a very important announcement. As the crowd of dragons settled, I let out an authoritative roar that silenced the crowd immediately. "Good evening, every dragon here will bear witness to what I say." Growls of agreement rose out of the crowd as I silence them with a flick of my colorful, feathered and decorative tail. I sighed and decided to try and make my point as quickly and painlessly as possible. "I will be leaving the island for an extended period of time. I will leave my most trustworthy partner in charge. Shadow, you are in charge until I get back." There was only silence as I looked at my peers. Suddenly there was a gasp and everyone started to freak out. I was the strongest dragon in the world and by far the most trusted. I also could never die as anything that tried to penetrate my skin would go up in flames if I was in my queen form. As a normal dragon, I could never run out of blood, nor could I get infections so I was good for life. As the gasps died down and they saw I was not joking they tried to convince me not to go but I assured them that it was fine. No human could get close enough to even see the island let alone get to the island. The sky was guarded by skrill and the ocean by ripterrors and scauldron so there was no way any human was ever getting through no matter what. The next day I went into night fury form and flew off to a little island called Berk.

Flash of Silver (toothless x reader kind of)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя