6. Think like a Man

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It was time.
Bobby needs to think like a man.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Procrastination is the thief of time ,tomorrow never comes.

Bobby sits down thinking about everything which his father told him.

Jack just came back from outing, went inside the bathroom to shower up after the hectic day

He Was listening to song after bathing he has the passion for music.

Bobby just applied for a job as a gateman luckily it worked it was time for him too. Move from grass to grace he was happily ready to start work the next day.
Dressed up as a security guard, greets his boss took some of the bags to the car.
He served well as a gateman.
Later his boss decided to promote him but had to put him to a test.

Bobby wasn't ready to lose his job, he did his best serving his master
After several tests he passed without knowing it was a test, I guess that means redemption for him.
God was with him, he was promoted to the PA of his boss and was paid 10* to his formal earnings.
He became the happiest man alive, this calls for a celebration 🎉🎉🎉
Thinking Like a man
He had to do away with a good
He had to make new friends who are eager to help.
He had to double his efforts
This is called determination

Never give up without a fight!!
Bobby stickied to his good behavior
This made his boss happy.
He became the best serving staff of the year.
More money in his account
More wisdom flowing
Bobby becoming successful.

Wow, this is serious.......
Jack was happy with him
Bobby never forgot the efforts which Jack did for me he was happy and excited about what a new friend just did for him.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it 😜
I'm sorry I had to stop here my friends are all celebrating their birthday today, Party calls
Happy birthday to you all
Some, degeze, Chiemeria and silas
I heart you all ❤

Author: Scady
(Nnadozie. ChukwuEbuka )

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