Shooting Stars.

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Emir Kozcuoglu was sitting in the back seat of his car, smiling happily as he tapped his phone to his chin. He had just come out of a successful meeting where he had got most of what he had wanted from the other business. Yesterday too he had a good day at work; the farm reported a good yield from the fertilizer the Kozcuoglu company had given. His phone beeped and he saw it was a message from his mom's nurse, telling him that Mugjan was conscious today. Emir told the driver to go straight to the house where his mom was. He was going to spend the day with his mother. How perfect could this week get? Maybe he shouldn't ask, incase he jinxes himself.

Mugjan and her nurse were waiting at the entrance to receive Emir. He stepped out of the car and Mugjan smiled at seeing him. Emir went down and hugged her.

"How's my beautiful annem today?" He asked Mugjan but the nurse, Zehra, answered.

"She was good today. Ate all her food and medicine and asked to go outside even."

Emir smiled and kissed his mom's head. "That's why I'm going to spend the WHOLE day with my annem."

Emir pushed the wheelchair inside and left Zehra to do other house work. He told his mother how he'd done well at work. And he told her all the good things he had done. Mugjan didn't like it when he was bad, and Emir didn't want to show her that he was his father's son.

After dinner, he took Mugjan out to the backyard of the house and the two just watched the sun go down.

"I don't want to be Galip's son, annem. But what can I do? You left me like this, and he raised me. I am like him in business, maybe even better than him. But I don't want to be a kind of husband like he was. I would never hurt her. I wouldn't give her a reason to leave me. If I can hate, then I am capable of love too. Right, annem?" Mugjan touched his left hand. Emir looked at his hand and laughed, then he put his other hand on top of hers.

"No, I'm not getting married. I was just saying, I've seen Galip be a businessman, and a husband. He didn't have time to be a father. I would be a good father. But I haven't found her yet. They're all the same, they always want something from me. Even THAT ONE. But she was good in business."

The sky was already getting dark. A plane flew overhead.

"It almost looks like a shooting star. Make a wish, annem. Maybe your daughter in law is on that plane!" Mugjan looked at the sky and closed her eyes. Emir smiled at his mother, looked up and his eyes closed too.

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