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Zeynep cleaned her face with some wet paper towels. Then she opened the door to her room and stood, looking down the hall. The house was huge and empty; there was no one there. Zeynep shrugged and left the room. She wandered the empty house. The floor was cool; it was made of white marble. The furniture and decoration of the house were impressive. Leather couches in one room and velvet furniture in another. And expensive vases, and painting, and chandeliers. Zeynep was so lost looking at everything that she got scared when Eda found her.

"Anything I can help you with, miss?"

"I don't think you know my name. I am Zeynep."

Eda gave a small laugh. "It's good to meet you, Ms. Zeynep. Was there anything you needed?"

"I... I don't have any clothes with me! I don't think I can sleep in this wedding dress!" Eda laughed and Zeynep smiled, blushing red.

"Yes I don't think you have any clothes. We will have to ask Emir bey what to do. Come."

Eda took Zeynep to Emir's office. They could hear shouting from far down the hallway. The screaming stopped only a minute after Eda knocked on the door.

"What?!" Emir barked at the maid through the half open door, but when he saw Zeynep, his expression softened a little.

"Um, Ms. Zeynep doesn't have any clothes to wear." Emir's look said it was the stupidest thing to bother him for.

"Then give her some of yours, Eda!"

"I... wasn't supposed to be here tonight. I don't have anything to give her."

Emir's nose scrunched up in frustration. He stalled in the door unable to decide what to do. Finally he groaned and opened the door more.

"We're not finished." He warned Galip before leaving the room.

Emir stormed out of the room but the girls didn't know what to do, so they stood still.

Emir stopped and turned his head back half way.

"Well are you going to stand there in that dress the whole night?! Follow!" Zeynep quickly ran up to him and Eda slowly followed behind.

His room was black and goldish brown. The lights were so pretty it looked like a photography studio. As she followed him in, Zeynep saw the big beautiful garden through the window. She was so distracted that she walked into Emir's back when he had already stopped walking. Emir closed his eye in annoyance and turned back to Zeynep.

"And they expect me to work with you? You don't even know how to walk right!"

"Shut up! This isn't my dream to be partners with you! Now do you have something for me to wear, so I don't have to see you longer?"

Emir dryly laughed and rolled his eyes, then opened his closet room. It was very impressive, and very navy blue. He quickly found some clothes for her to wear and roughly tossed them at Zeynep. She gave him a sarcastic thankful smile and went back to her room. Emir decided to change too before he went back to the house office. When he left his room, he heard Zeynep calling for Eda. He became annoyed and decided to see what the problem was.

"Exactly HOW needy are you?" Emir said from the doorway and Zeynep jumped, not expecting a man in the room.

"I... I'm not needy! I just can't open this stupid dress!"

"The dress is pretty. Don't blame the dress because you don't look beautiful." Emir teased.

Zeynep growled.

"I called Eda."

"She's done for the night."

"Well do you have any other women staff in this house?"

"Not till the morning. Good night!" Emir said and turned to leave.

"Stop! Would it be too much to ask you to help me unzip?"

Emir turned back with a smile.

"I thought you would never ask!"

"Pervert!" Zeynep said and turned her back to him, showing him the zip.

"Just pull it down enough so I can grab it. If you don anything else, I'll call the police." Zeynep heard Emir scoff as he stood behind her, and she froze when his hands came on her body. Zeynep brought her hand to her back waiting for the zip to be down a little bit, but Emir quickly pulled the whole zipper down. Zeynep gasped and turned around to face him, holding the dress to her chest so it wouldn't fall.

Emir laughed. "

That wasn't so bad was it, wifey!" He winked at her.

Zeynep pushed him toward the door with one hand.

"Shut up and get out! And oh, I'm NOT your wife!" She walked behind him till he was out of the room.

Emir turned to her one last time, "goodnight wifey."

Zeynep shut the door in his face.

That night as Zeynep sat on the bed in Emir's big sized clothes, she thought about all the ways she could bring down her father. But what could she do? She was only a college student for design. Who could she turn to for help? No one else had been in this situation... no one but Emir. She remembered he wasn't too happy about their situation either, hell he had pulled a gun on his father! Zeynep sighed. She didn't have to like him to work with him. They both at least wanted the same thing: revenge from their fathers. Zeynep wasn't too thrilled about it, but she fell asleep thinking about it.

In the morning, she still didn't have any of her own clothes yet, so she went out as she was. Surprisingly, she found Emir at the dining table, having a big breakfast.

Emir saw her and had a teasing smile on his face.

"Good morning, wifey."

Zeynep rolled her eyes and sat two seats away from him. The morning service girls giggled at them.

"Sleep well?"

"Shut up!" Zeynep snapped as she picked up some toast. "I've been thinking. Now, don't get any ideas, I still hate you. But, you and I are on the same boat, placed by our fathers."

Emir listened amused.

"They think they can play us for their benefit, but what would happen if we work against them? Use their new company against them?"

Emir was very interested. He pouted impressed at her.

"Mm... so the little one has some boldness, does she?"

Zeynep rolled her eyes. "Please! Stop annoying me. So, are you in or not?"

Emir sipped his coffee before answering. ""Let's get to work, little one."

"One problem." Zeynep told.

"What's that?"

"I don't have any clothes."

Emir smiled. "Then let's go shopping."

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