"Happy Birthday, Naruto!" He put his elbow over his eyes so his team wouldn't see his hot tears coming put of his eyes. Why was he crying in the first place? He wasn't sad or angry, that's when people usually cry right? Joy. That's what the blond Jinchūriki felt at the moment, utter joy. 


"It's thanks to you my son died!" 

"You should have never been born!" 

"Your birthday is our curse demon!" 

"Today we celebrate your defeat all those years ago! "

"One day you'll die like you lived, alone with no one to love you." 

When had he honestly celebrated his birthday. He remembers always hiding in his small closet with cups of ramen stacked next to him singing "Happy Birthday" to himself. His team never knew his birthday; opting to go enjoy the annual festival of Kyuubi's defeat. The only person who did was Iruka and the old man. Happy birthday coming from someone else's mouth sounded wonderful. So very wonderful.

"C'mon Naruto. Look at the cake Kakashi brought for you." Kakashi blushed and rubbed his neck. It was a simple design, white frosted with orange slices and strawberries arranged in a pattern. Naruto's name was written in orange and had a small fishcake swirl design right on top of the O. Naruto let out a small laugh at the design and enveloped Kakashi in a hug.  The silver haired teen hugged the blond back, feeling the blond grasp him tighter and heard Naruto utter a small "thank you." 

"Naruto! look what I brought!" The small moment was burst as Obito, with his almost normal complexion, pushed a box towards Naruto. The blond thanked him and opened it to reveal new gear including goggles similar to Obito's. This brought him back to the green goggles he owned when he was still enrolled in the academy. Naruto awkwardly hugged the Uchiha and thanked him once more. 

"Ah, here Naru! I made this just for you. I tell you it was hard to make since no store sold orange yarn but I made colored yarn which took forever." Naruto pulled out a basic garter stitch scarf that was a beautiful shade of orange and had the Uzumaki swirl at both ends. 

"Thank you, Mo-Kushina. I love it!" Naruto received more presents from Rin, a book and a new set of kunais, and Minato, one of his special kunais and a few scrolls with new Fūinjutsus. Kurama promised to give him his present later but he promised the blond he would love it. 

"How do you like the food Naru?" Naruto adored the new nickname Kushina gave him, and responding back that he loved the food. Kushina sure knew how to cook. He could imagine eating the food everyday had his parents lived. 

"How's the cake?" The cake, which was split for the group, was delicious in Naruto's opinion. It was simple yet had so many unexplained flavors he couldn't stop eating it. 

"Its super good. It's one of the best cakes I've eaten."  Kakashi blushed at the high praise. He felt he should tell Naruto he actually made the cake, shocker, but he always had a talent for baking and cooking. He decided against it. He was satisfied with the smile on the blond's face. 

"Happy birthday kit." Kurama gave the blond boy a smirk. Naruto gave him a mouthful grin, icing smeared at the sides of his face. It reminded Kurama of the small child who happy a sunny smile that even made his cold heart warm.

"Thank you Kyuu, it means a lot that you even remembered my birthday."

"How could I forget the day that changed my life forever. As much as I hate being trapped in a brat like you, I'm glad it was a brat like you." Naruto hugged the red head and the taller male put his head on the smaller male's shoulder.

"So who are you planning to bang, Obito or Kakashi?" Naruto pushed the perverted male away with a large squawk.

"Kyuu!!! Y-You!" The fox demon let out a loud boisterous laugh.

"I guess we'll have to decide that later, okay." The red head walked away from the blond as Minato walked towards him.

"Happy birthday kiddo." Naruto gave him a blush filled smile.

"Thank you Minato-sensei, it really means so much to me."

"Yes, I'm sure it does. I'm sorry." Naruto's lips turned downward, in a frown.

"What for?"

"Because I ruined your chance at a good life, of all this. I sealed Kyuubi in you and you suffered so much." Naruto looked suprised for a moment. He looked down at the plate of birthday cake.

"It did leave me without much, I did suffer a lot but..." Naruto looked up with gleaming eyes.

"If I'm going to resent anyone it should be Madara for causing the attack on Konoha. I can't hate any of you for doing what's right." Minato smiled, grateful his son didn't hate him.

"Naruto, you are incapable of hating anyone. I'm glad you're my son, I'm glad you're here, and I'm glad to be given a chance to be a part of your life. Happy Birthday Naruto." Naruto couldn't help but have a few tears let out. He was becoming emotional these days but he felt it was because of all the times he spent holding it in. He felt lighter these days. He felt the taller blond embrace him and Naruto sighed. He whispered so no one would hear his words, except for his father.

"Thank you Dad. For everything."

(A/N):Here's the new chapter!! I wanted to put it more ObiNaru or KakaNaru scenes but decided to have this chapter center Naruto and his birthday. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I won't be able to update next week due to me being out of the country for Thanksgiving but I promise shipping goodness for the next update. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this weeks chapter.

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