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Naruto finally tracked down where all the Rock nin were. It had taken sometime but he sensed Rin's chakra inside. He quickly dashed to the entrance of the cave and saw at least 5 of them there.

"Its a good thing she was a medic-nin. Our wounds are all healed and we know of the Konoha brats' plan." Naruto clicked his tounge. He had to kill them now. He muttered a few curse words under his breath before entering the cave.

"Too bad Kousuke didn't make it out. I wonder if he's dead already?" The other 4 laughed. They didn't seem to care if they lost a comrade. Not one bit. He needed to take them out but he preferred to take them out one by one. He found a pebble and threw it outside. The noise of the rock hitting a tree trunk caught the attention of the rock nin.

"Ahh shit. Are those Konoha brats following us?"

"We should go check.  I'll stay here while you guys go check. They might have brought reinforcements and one of us has to go spill about the plan." A dark long haired male said and the rest of the team, though grumbling, nodded. All four left quickly in the surrounding area and Naruto grumbled. He motioned for the clones, in who he created earlier, to spike his chakra and bring the attention.

"Shit there's like 4-5 of them."

"We'll split up."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

Naruto let out a deep sigh as soon as they were hearing distance away. He quietly went to the ground and entered the dark lit cave. He noticed the presence of the last rock-nin and quietly moved around the cave wall.

"Ahh, what a shitty mission. If only there was something to do. Hell! I would've fucked this girl if it weren't for the fact that she lacked assests." Naruto glared at the man standing before him. It disgusted him to no end the fact that people like him exist.

As the blond boy got closer he pulled out a kunai. He closed his eyes a let out a deep sigh. In less than a second he was having a face to face match with the rock-nin.

"Those incompetent fools! No matter, I'll easily beat you kid!" Naruto wouldn't allow it. He made some hand signs to summon his shadow clones. He was running out of time. Naruto quickly mustered all the strength his 12-year old body had and attacked the man with more of an agressive force. He finally managed to cut the man's arm enough so he couldn't use it.

"Now for the next one!" Naruto was about to lunge but his head was hit by multiple memories of the shadow clones. All of them got puffed.

"Shit Shit Shit Fuck!" The man smirked as the blond clutched his head.

'I'm messing up! I'm messing up so badly! I can't do this! I'll mess everything up!" Naruto was close. So close to the brink of losing it. He tried so hard to keep Obito and Rin from their eventual deaths but so far he couldn't and he kept messing up. He felt with every little thing he did he would fuck up another.

"Aww is the little kid going to cry?" The man mocked but was shocked when a kunai was embedded into his arm pinning it to the cave's rocky wall. He screamed in agnoy.

"Guess I have no other choice. I'll do this just in case I lose it here." Naruto quickly brough out a scroll and unrolled it. He untied Rin and placed her over the scroll. He sat on his knees as he thought over the markings of the seals.

"If it wasn't for my sorry excuse of genjustu i would've freed you already Rin." Naruto bit his thumb and starting completing the seal for his tranfer. In a poof the scroll disappeared along with Rin's body. He stared up at the cave ceiling with remorse in his eyes. He slowly closed his eyes. He heard feet step on the fallen leaves as he looked towards the entrance of the cave with now open red eyes.

"Rin. Did you get trapped by this brat?" The man pinned to the wall, Rin, screamed as the kunai finally let him loose. Naruto looked at the people in humor.

"Let's give him a piece of our minds." A small giggle echoed through the cave which stopped them dead in their tracks. The air became tense. So hard you couldn't even breathe. They felt a large spike in chakra. Evil demonic chakra that made them go to their knees.

"I'm tired of dealing with all this pressure put upon me. Change the future they said it'll be easy they said! Well it's not. I hate being the one pressured to do this. Why did I have to do this shit? Why not someone else!?" Naruto twirled around the 5 shinobi who were cowering in fear. He scrunched his nose as he wiffed one of them, noticing they pissed themselves.

"Oh! Did you piss yourself shinobi-san! My what a horrible stentch," Naruto giggled with a wide eyed expression. He swiftly killed one of them who let out a high pitched scream before falling to the ground.

"Now, now, now. Whose next?," he said in a sing-song tone as he giggled again.

"Please just kill me already!" Rin asked as tears fell from his face. Narufo smiled.

"Oh poor Rin. I'll let your wish come true. I'll kill you." Naruto stood in front of Rin's face and held it with a delicate hand.

"Well, I would kill you if only you didn't lack certain assests." Naruto killed the man next to Rin and left the black haired man with tears running down his face.

"Now whose next?" He looked at the remaining three. He promised himself Rin for last so that leaves two options. Two females of the group.

"I guess I'll have to kill you next!" He grabbed the girl's long hair and pulled at it. He put his foot flat against her back, which pushed her down to the ground. He head was bent back in a sick manner that wasn't humanely possible.

"No stop it hurts-," she let out a choke as Naruto cracked her neck and her head laid on her back. He turned to the other girl.

"You're not interesting enough to kill. To be honset I would have let you live if you didn't know about out plan."

"No i don't know anything about this plan! You can let me go! I won't tell a soul I promi-" her voice was cut off by a kunai to the throat.

"One second though, your begging was so fucking annoying so let's just kill you."

"Now what to do with you?" Naruto giggle again as he saw the rock-nin's face.

"Aww are you reminising about a lover perhaps?" The rock-nin cried harder, trying to hold back chocked sobs.

"How sweet! To bad you're nothing but trash."

"Y-You're a monster."


"A monster that takes pleasure in killing people. You aren't a human child! You should be killed you monster!" Naruto looked at him with a puzzled expression which slowly grew into a full blown grin.

"You dont think people have tried! Ive been a monster since the day I was born! I was beaten! I was raped! I was poisoned! I was everything! Yet here I am and like every monster, there are people like you who are afraid." Naruto let tears stream down his face as he let out a mournful sob. A sob of loss, loneliness, and sadness. He brought down the kunai and killed the man.

Naruto looked at the seen in front of him. Five cluttered bodies surrounding him, taunting him, telling him he really is a monster that deserved to die.

"Why me?" Naruto fell to his knees and heard a familiar voice. His eyes met a familar sihoutte as it called out to him.


Before the person finished calling him, the blond's eyes rolled back as he collapsed of exhaustion and stress.

There will be another update today because this chapter was so short. 2 for 1!!!

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