dating them would include

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jaeden :
+ watching anime together
+ playing tag all the time
+ trying to bake but failing
+ all ways telling bad jokes
+ saying i love you a lot

+ going on set for stranger things
+ being best friends with mille
+ helping him with lines
+ trying to play pranks on each other but failing
+ annoying him about the mileven kiss

wyatt -
+ playing Mario Kart 24/7
+ going live while playing games
+ kissing each other a lot
+ always at Game Stop
+ sleeping a lot

jack -
+ live 24/7
+ shipping fack and making him mad
+ getting jealous because of ellie
+ kissing a lot on live
+ texting each other lot

chosen -
+ taking his clothes a lot
+ binge watching 13rw
+ hanging out with jeremy a lot
+ hacking his instagram and posting weird stuff
+ pranks for days

jeremy -
+ taking his glasses
+ stealing his suit coats (idk what they are called)
+ going shopping sometimes
+ saying that he looks like this emoji 🤓
+ him buying you flowers 24/7

sophia -
+ using her make up / clothes
+ shopping together
+ picking out each other's outfits
+ coming out while on live
+ doing each other's hair, and make up

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