when you're sick

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jaeden -

+ he helps you with stuff

+ "are you okay? do you need help?"

+ makes you food

finn -

+ tries to stay away from you

+ but comes over and watches movies

+ " don't get me sick. okay?"

jack -

+ brings you movies to watch

+ makes you food

+ cuddles with you even though you're sick

+ i need a jack

wyatt -

+ brings you over stuff (movies, food, etc.)

+ makes you soup

+ stays away from you but cuddles every once in a while

sophia -

+ she is sick too

+ what is she gonna do?

+ she can still cuddle with you and watch movies

+ that's about it

chosen -

+ he comes over with movies, junk food, and more

+ he makes you soup 

+ watches movies with you until he has to go home 

jeremy -

+ he doesn't want to get sick so he tries to stay away

+ but he does help you 

+ makes you soup, and brings junk food

nic -

+ he doesn't want to get sick

+ facetimes you

+ so your mom / dad / whoever has to help you

+ but he comes over for like an 1 hour tops

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