I pulled into the parking area near the forest and began to walk in, seeing Scotty not too far away from me, back turned to me and smoke coming off his breath.

"Holt" He greeted and I sighed, stepping closer.

"Hey" I replied and he turned to me.

"I'm surprised you came" He said, my eyes opening and my mouth falling open in shock as my hand flew up to cover it.

He was way worse than Todd was after I got to him.

"Oh my god, what happened? Are you okay?" I asked, moving closer to him and stopping as he held his hand out to me.

"I'm fine. But my mom thinks I'm just causing trouble so she told me to fuck off" He said and I sighed.

"Can you at least tell me who did it? Or why?" I asked and he laughed.

"I couldn't, not without something going wrong." He whispered and I shuddered, cursing myself for not wearing a warmer jacket this early in the morning as a cool breeze swept through the forest.

"Here" Scott said, pulling his infamous leather jacket off and handing it to me.

"T-thanks" I stammered, my teeth chattering slightly. I wrapped myself in the jacket, also wrapping myself in Scott's scent. Jesus Heath would smell this on me from a mile away, note to self; shower at home before anything else.

"Please tell me. I promise I won't tell another soul. Scott, please" I begged and he sighed, looking away.

"I won't name names but collectively, they got to the security footage before I did" He said.

"They? They as in the other four guys?" I asked and he nodded.

"Wait, the footage of you threatening me?" I asked again and he nodded again with a sigh.

"Did Heath do this to you?" I asked, stepping forward.

"No, he was the only one not involved. The others agreed Heath doesn't need to know about this, not now and maybe not ever. David destroyed it, the other two beat me up. Heath knows nothing and saw nothing" He said and I nodded.

"I can't believe them" I whispered.

"Please don't chew them out Holt" He said, his hand grabbing my wrist. I looked down at the awkward encounter and he quickly released.

"I don't know, I'd kinda like to let it sit for a little then go to town on them" I said and Scott shook his head with a smile.

"Of course you would. But please, don't. There doesn't need to be more trouble and they were only protecting you" He said.

"Protecting me from what? You? In case you haven't noticed I'm standing right in front of you, alone" I said and he sighed.

"You were never one to let people protect you" He said and I shrugged with one shoulder.

"Scott they don't need to protect me from one of them, one of us I guess. You and I are friends and you had a bad day. I mean, Zane and I are friends even after he broke my arm and look at Todd and I. So what, you threatened me a little? You'd have to do a lot worse to get me to avoid you" I said and he smiled softly.

"We don't deserve you. None of us do, you're pure, real. You're the kind of girl that kids like us dream about being friends with, that the world dreams of being friends with" He said.

"Well then consider this a dream come true because we're friends Scott, now will you please go home and come back to school?" I asked and he nodded with a sigh.

"I guess. I just don't want everyone to be wondering about my face. I hate curiosity" He said and I spluttered, trying to hold back a laugh. I saw him crack a smile too and soon enough we were both laughing, a very weird scene between us for sure.

"I can't believe you're not asking me a million questions" He said and I shrugged.

"I can't believe you're not giving me a million excuses. You just opened up to me Scott" I said and he smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I did." He said.

"Now do you want to talk about why you've been so distant lately?" I asked and he sighed, looking away.

"Look, I'm not the kind to blab secrets. You need to talk to someone" I said and he nodded, looking to me.

"My mom and my stepdad are getting a divorce. It's been hard because I like him, more than I ever liked my own father. I've never told him that, he thinks I'm just a stupid kid who needs to be told no. We don't get along but I like the way he treats my mom. Me and her, we've been fighting about it a lot and I called her some things I shouldn't have but she also called me some things she shouldn't have. And his son messes with my shit to make me mad and get me in trouble." He said and I nodded, stepping closer to him.

"That sucks, it really does" I said and he laughed.

"I thought you were supposed to give me advice on how to fix my life, not agree with me!" He protested and I laughed too.

"No, I just wanted you to open up to someone, to have someone understand why you're acting this way for once" I said and he sighed.

"I guess it does feel a little better, in the weirdest way possible" He admitted and I smiled.

"See? Sometimes telling someone makes everything good for a while" I said and he smiled, somewhat sadly.

"Everything's not going to be good for a long time. But at least someone else knows why" He said and I smiled at him.

"So you'll go home?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'll go home. See if I can calm this raging black eye down before Monday" He said with a stifled laugh.

"You have got the weirdest sense of humour I've ever heard" I said, shaking my head as he shrugged.

"Yours isn't that admirable either" He said with a grin.

"I'd better get home, before Heath wakes up." I said, slipping out of his jacket and handing it back to him.

"See you around Holt." He said and I nodded.

"I hope I do" I said, honestly as I turned and walked back to my car, leaving Scott standing all alone.

"I really hope I do" I whispered to myself as I started my car and drove away.


I was away for the weekend and forgot to update before I left but I wanted you guys to stew in this suspense for a while longer heh.

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