Chapter 20: I Just Called Baekhyun A...

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Author's POV

"Why not spend a WASTED night with a WASTED KISS."

                 That moment BaekHyun was tempted to kiss her. Just when BaekHyun was about to kiss her Ha Na giggled and lost consciousness but luckily was still breathing, she flopped to the ground. BaekHyun signed "I knew this was going to happen.", He quickly lifted up Ha Na bridal style and took her to his Grandmother's place. Grandmother welcomed them both happily, "Can she stay here for a while? She had a hangover." BaekHyun shyly said.

                 Grandmother smiled and giggled like a school girl. BaekHyun gently placed Ha Na in his old bed. He gently tucked her in and kissed her forehead. "Sweet Dreams." BaekHyun whispered in her ear. He decided to watch Ha Na sleeping and protect her. BaekHyun got a set of blankets and placed them on the floor. Indeed, he will sleep on the floor. BaekHyun was not comfortable sleeping on the ground, so he squirmed around a lot like a worm underground.

                 But anything for Ha Na, he will do. Both of them went to sleep. Grandmother took a peak at both of them, and secretly took a high definition picture and chuckled quietly. The next morning, Grandmother notice BaekHyun sleeping beside Ha Na in the same bed. They were both facing each other sleeping soundly. Grandmother took another hd picture and smiled widely.  3 hours past and both of them haven't woken up yet.

                     It was already lunch time and they still haven't woken up. Just until BaekHyun finally opened his eyes and started rubbing his eyes. His eyes became round and big. "Why is she in my bed?" BaekHyun thought. Ha Na began twist and turning.

       Before BaekHyun knew it one leg was on the side of his body, and Ha Na's arms were wrapping around his head tightly. BaekHyun gently   place Ha Na's leg back, and untangled her hands around his head. While staring at her face, he saw Ha Na's eyes pop open. Both of them looked at each other with confusion and curiosity.

                  "YAH!!!" Both of them yelled at the same time. "Why are you here!?" They both said in Sync. "This is my bed!", "GET THE HELL OUT!" They said still in sync. "Pervert!! BYUNTAE BAEKHYUN!!  What the hell did you do to me!?" Ha Na yelled traumatized, "YAHH!! I'm not a pervert! This is my house!" BaekHyun yelled back. "So you kidnapped me!?" Ha Na said frantically. "Said the one who was drunk, and wanted to kiss me!" BaekHyun smirked. "What the hell!? Who said I wanted to kiss you?." Ha Na exclaimed.

                    "You got drunk!! HA! You're not that innocent!" BaekHyun laughed in her life. "Says the rapist." Ha Na shot back a glare. "YAHH! Is your clothes off!? Do you see girl's underwear garments in this room!?" BaekHyun responded. Ha Na started searching the drawers and cabinets, she came across a whole pile of girl's underwear garments. "That's my Grandmother's!!!" BaekHyun argued, Ha Na smirked. "I can sue you." Ha Na said confidently.

                     "You got drunk last night, and your lucky that I didn't leave you in that old apartment building! I brought you to my sacred Grandmother's house, and I even let you sleep on the bed while I had to sleep uncomfortably on the floor!" BaekHyun yelled.

                 Ha Na stayed silent. Everything was silent for at least 5 minutes. "I'm sorry." Ha Na came up to BaekHyun and hugged him. Grandmother came in the room all suddenly, BaekHyun and Ha Na immediately stopped hugging. "Food's ready!" Grandmother said gleefully.

                Both of them headed out of the bedroom to eat. Ha Na had no appetite to eat, especially when she just accused BaekHyun of being a rapist. She didn't eat until BaekHyun said so. She only ate just a little, and greeted goodbye to both of them not forgetting to say sorry for the inconvenience.  Baekhyun followed behind.

           Ha Na entered the doors of EXO's dorm like nothing happened. D.O made ramyeon and she quickly grabbed a bowl. She stuffed her mouth with kimchi and ramyeon, trying not to choke. "Since when did you eat like a pig?" Kris sarcastically said, Ha Na shot a cold glare. "Shut up before I kick your ass." Ha Na said with a mouth full of food.

              "YAH!" Baekhyun yelled while entering the room. Ha Na tried her best to ignore it. Baekhyun sat next to her, "Since when did you eat like a pig?" he whispered. "Shut up BYUN BAEKHYUN" Ha Na kicked his ankle. Baekhyun whimpered in pain, and quickly smacked Ha Na's head.

           "YAHHHH!!!!!" Ha Na said in an angry tone. Meanwhile Sehun and Luhan are both looking at each other, probably thinking about the same thing. "There's something going on between..." Sehun said, "I know what you're thinking, Ha Na and Baekhyun? It's true they're acting wierd." Luhan whispered. "Something must've happened between them." Chen clued in, "It's suspicious, both of them have been gone since yesterday morning." D.O said blankly. 

"Are you guys dating?" Kai asked both of them LOUD AND CLEAR.

              They both stopped bickering and looked at each other, then looked away. Both took a mouthful of water and tried to swallow it in one gulp. Both of them were really nervous, and everyone knew SOMETHING happened. "COUGHbaekhyunsbeinganidiotCOUGH" Ha Na mumbled really fast, "Said the one who got DR-MAJHSJAHS-K" Baekhyun responded but Ha Na covered his mouth.

"HA NA AND BAEKHYUN SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes LOVE, then comes BABIES-" EXO began to sing.

                   Ha Na and Baekhyun both cover their ears in annoyance, and started saying random words. Kai however, walks out of EXO's dorm looking frustrated. Chanyeol looks upset but he's trying to make himself look happy and from that point on everyone became dead quiet. As Ha Na went into her room she found a white envelope with her name on it. She carefully opened it, and realized it was a letter from one of the EXO members but he didn't really sign his name in the letter.



I finally have the courage to say this to you. After more than 13 years, them more I hold it in. The more I can't take it, So I hope you accept me the way you accepted ALL OF US(EXO) in your life. The point is, I like you and I feel like I can protect you more than MyungSoo or Baekhyun. This isn't the first time I said I liked you. IF you want to know who I am, figure out my code. If you don't give a damn about me, II would be really hurt. SO PLEASE TRY AND FIGURE THIS OUT.


The Sun and MooN is sepArated. When tHey become ONE thEY become EXO. If the Sun is reAlly hot, and the moon is CoOl. The ecLipse takes Place more afteR 100 years. How can they withstand each other? K.

"Why can't this person just tell me."

N/A: AWEEEEEEEE. Going to put up a survey soon! Don't forget to Comment Subscribe and UPVOTE!!!!<3

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