38. Meeting the family

Start from the beginning

"Ja, this is Dannii, James and Robbie. De er fra Irland (They're from Ireland)" I explained

"Ohh nice to meet you my name is Hilda" my mom greeted them as she gave them all a hug. "Please come in and sit down" she said as she led them to the living room.

"How was your flight?" She asked as I left to take James and Dannii's bags upstairs to my room.

Once I dropped the bags into my room I found Camilla coming out of her room "ohh your back. Are your friends here" she said excitedly

"Ja, mom is talking to them" I said as I began to make my way back downstairs.

"Is your kjæreste (girlfriend) here??" She asked

"Hun er ikke kjæresten min (She's not my girlfriend)" I said as I glared at her

"Ikke ennå (Not yet)" she mused as we made our way downstairs.

Camilla then quickly made her way over to my mom

"Mamma (mom) I think I smell burning" she said and I chuckled I know exactly what she's doing.

"Ohh nie frokosten (ohh no the breakfast)" my mam said before running to the kitchen.

"Works every time" Camilla said with a chuckle "hi, my name's Camilla it's so nice to meet you guys" she said as she put her hand out and shook their hands.

When she shook Dannii's hand she just couldn't help embarrassing me. "you must be Dannii right??" She asked and I facepalmed. I knew exactly what she was going to say next

"Yeah that's me" Dannii said kinda shyly and I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was.

"I've heard a lot about you Alan talks about you a lot" she said and Dannii looked at me with a smirk

"He does??" She asked with an amused grin on her face.

"All the time. He never shuts up about you" camilla said with a chuckle and I slightly elbowed her.

"Steng kjeften opp (shut the fuck up) Camilla" I said quietly.

She just giggled and was about to continue talking but was interrupted by a tired Andreas.

"Why is everyone up so early. Don't you know it's 9 am...." He said before he suddenly noticed Dannii,Robbie and James. He gave them a confused look "ughhh hi.... I'm Andreas" he said kinda awkwardly.

"Andy. This is Robbie, James and Dannii" I said and Andreas waved at them.

He then turned to me "damn Alan er hun selv lovlig?? (is she even legal??)"

I punched him in the arm "ja Andreas hun er (yes she is)" I said as I gave him a death glare and grabbed his arm "please excuse us I just remembered I need to show Andreas something in my studio" I said as I pulled him out of the sitting room.

Camilla just rolled her eyes at me "boys"

Once outside the room I glared at Andreas. He gave me a nervous smile
"First of all, her name is Dannii, second of all she's 18 so yeah she is legal, and third of all don't let her size fool you. If you piss her off she will beat the shit out of you ... And I'll help" I said trying to sound as threatening as I could.

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